Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [vb base] it [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is clear that this change is highly evaluated in Belfast in terms of social class hierarchy and status , as it is the more prestigious groups that tend to adopt it and the more ‘ advanced ’ ( generally female and younger ) group who introduce it to the conservative inner-city communities ( which are characterized by dense and multiplex network ties that tend to resist innovation and maintain conservative forms ) .
2 The accounts of nationalism given by liberal thinkers , who associate it with the bourgeois struggle for democracy , and by the Austro-Marxists who see it as one feature in the rise and consolidation of the capitalist mode of production , merging at a later stage into imperialism , do not exhaust the various conceptions of the phenomenon .
3 He drew in his breath sharply and gave the change to his wife , who put it into a double-clasped purse , which was then hidden in the inner pocket of a locked handbag .
4 A back pass from player-manager Hoddle seemed to catch Hammond by surprise and the goalkeeper hit the ball straight to the feet of Posh 's Tony Adcock , who put it into an empty net .
5 At 7.00 next morning he placed the basin in his tin and handed it to the attendant , who put it in the hot cupboard .
6 This majestic sight , glimpsed through undulating woldland patchwork , or from the flatter marshland , entices all strangers who behold it for the first time to come and investigate the town further ; to discover its rich history and its modern enchantment .
7 Thus , if in a set of decimals to be compared , the longest one really is the smallest , it will attract such pupils when they are asked to pick out the smallest as well as those who select it for the correct reason .
8 An advertiser 's business with its agency is known as an " account " , and account people are the men and women who run it on a day-to-day basis .
9 Nick Champion of Russell , Baldwin and Bright Markets , who run it on the four Tuesdays prior to Christmas and sell several tons a year , says dealers are having to travel far afield to collect mistletoe to sell at Tenbury .
10 This notion of the instrumental object as an extension of being should not , however , be reduced to a relationship of efficiency , since an agriculturalist may wax more lyrical about a musical instrument than a plough , and the microcomputer 's popularity may be greater among those who in common parlance ‘ waste time ’ in obsessive programming or games , than among those who use it as a practical means to some other end .
11 You ca n't say that males , females , the old or the young a are those who , who carry on their sexual role in a regular way , or those who do it in an irregular way have a privileged point of view .
12 Again these statements are open at least to qualification but they link back to concepts of interpersonal work as women 's tasks and therefore as work which suffers along with those who do it from the lower status of women in a patriarchal society .
13 Although the scheme was devised for part-time teachers , it is increasingly taken up by full-time teachers who regard it as a basic or induction course .
14 While France stands shoulder to shoulder with Germany , and the two countries together account for half the EC output , the exchange rate mechanism will survive , representing a beacon of hope for federalists who still see a common currency as the bridge across which Europe must pass to a federal future , and a baleful threat for the sovereign Britishers , who see it as a black hole which could draw EC members inexorably into the same destiny .
15 Local music is an altogether healthier picture , according to the group , who see it as a friendly club where bands from all divisions of music can work together without competition .
16 This autonomy is jealously defended by neighbourhood policemen in Easton , who see it as an essential part of their job , as one was ruefully reminded after being transferred to the Traffic Branch .
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