Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [vb base] [adv] [vb pp] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Appropriately , the Wilcox narrative seems to be the book of his most widely read by the kind of people who have just put in a tough day at the office or have two weeks on the beach before clocking back on .
2 Billig ( 1987a ) illustrates Taking the Side of the Other by examples where people , who have generally argued for a particular stance and against the counter-stance , seem to turn around and use the arguments of their former opponents : in this way , they take up the side of the other .
3 In this season 's semi-finals at Wishaw Sports Centre on Saturday , Coatbridge face Su Ragazzi , who have never appeared in a final before , but are arguably the favourites .
4 Environmentalists , who have long campaigned for a single agency , have expressed their concern that the plans for the reform of the Inspectorate amount to little more than political opportunism and will have little real impact .
5 The Dart Valley Light Railway plc have , therefore , decided on a new policy for the future which it feels will keep faith with the Volunteer Association Members who are keen to develop and maintain the Buckfast-Totnes line as a typical GWR branch line operating as a non-profit making charitable trust and at the same time to satisfy its shareholders who have patiently waited for a dividend for many years .
6 For many it is a strange and difficult experience , one which people who have always lived in a nuclear family find hard to understand .
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