Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [vb base] [noun] [conj] [vb base] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Those who lose heart and cry out in despair are reminded that Jesus is in command and that he will steer the little ship of the Church into calmer waters .
2 There are three kinds of people : those who have sought God and found him , and these are reasonable and happy ; those who seek God and have not yet found him , and these are reasonable and unhappy ; and those who neither seek God nor find him , and these are unreasonable and unhappy .
3 The cosmetic industry is bizarre because it is run by men who create needs that do n't exist , making women feel incredibly dissatisfied with their bodies .
4 Simply , NME will be an intelligent weekly for people who rate Beefheart but do n't slam Bolan …
5 ‘ The worst hit will be people who pay taxes and work hard but will only get legal aid if they pay huge amounts ’ ‘ What is the point of having laws and courts if large numbers of people can not use them because of the price ? ’
6 If the Prime Minister is really keen to assist families who now stand in danger of having their homes repossessed , will he recognise the anomaly that exists between those on low incomes who pay rent and receive housing benefit and those on low incomes who pay mortgages and do not ?
7 Instead of comparing their offer with the normal rate , Clydesdale have used the business rate — paid by guests who stay mid-week and do n't expect to book and pay in advance .
8 Schipper favours a back-door approach , appealing to those who use energy and benefit directly from using less , rather than those who produce it .
9 I know , but when she was saying apparently th like the research was that er people who leave Scotland and go down to , you know the south of England and all that , their words begin to crop up down there .
10 It was also important for the party faithful , the little people who stuff envelopes and turn out for pointless committee meetings in drafty rooms above pubs .
11 Another thing , sociology would seem to be saying that those who have wealth and do well do so at the expense of the poor unfortunate .
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