Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [pers pn] [verb] [prep] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I made use of their terror for my own amusement , and raising my voice still more , I shouted at him whom I assumed to be present , lying invisible in some corner …
2 In this new life which had been thrust upon her , she felt that she must surround herself with a little group of servants whom she knew to be loyal to her .
3 Shortly afterwards Jane went to a friend 's house in Kensington to a musical party where a famous quartet was playing and , sitting on the stairs , talked to someone whom she took to be one of the players .
4 Geoffrey 's only qualm is Indipau , he says if Indipau I 'll come with me I 'll go , I says well do n't worry about Indipau , Indipau can look after himself , he says yeah but I like Indipau , I says yeah , but lets face of all the other kids in your class who you gon na be sorry to leave , he said none of them , I said well there you are then .
5 Whether this was Winston 's idea , or His Majesty 's I do not know , but I so strongly suspect His Majesty who we knew to be one of the best Kings we have ever had .
6 The pupils are insulted by weakness on the part of those in authority who they expect to be strong and this weakness , once established , provokes more playing up :
7 Bond and Chapman were jailed after admitting kidnapping and threatening Gavin Last , 17 , who they suspected to be involved in a spate of thefts .
8 The reason for MI5 's inefficiency is that it wastes far too much time and resources chasing after the wrong sort of people who it believes to be subversive , while real enemies of the state are able to go on spying undetected for decades .
9 Young people whom we knew to be honest , stung as we were by the sufferings of our Fatherland , lived convinced that Cuba 's independence was a Yankee gift and that our denunciations of national oppression were simply ways of serving an idea that they considered to be ‘ anti-Cuban ’ ( ‘ Reflexiones ante un aniversario ’ , Hoy , 29 July 1959 , p. 1 , cited in Farber : 1983 , p. 61 ) .
10 If you are new in the area your estate agent will be pleased to recommend a firm whom they know to be reputable .
11 The pair you may recall , kidnapped and threatened a youth whom they believed to be involved in a series of thefts .
12 The pair you may recall , kidnapped and threatened a youth whom they believed to be involved in a series of thefts .
13 By heavy amercements and by imprisonment he had compelled the regarders to make their regard in the ‘ purlieus ’ — that is , in districts which had been disafforested ; he had prevented the forest inhabitants from exercising their rights , even those conceded by royal charter and writs , unless they paid fines therefor before the Forest justices , and at Forest inquests he had compelled Forest officers and juries , under threat of imprisonment , to indict persons whom they knew to be innocent .
14 ‘ The British have a law which allows them to deport people whom they consider to be undesirable aliens . ’
15 The Sun newspaper was offering to fund a private prosecution against a doctor whom it believed to be guilty of raping an eight year old girl .
16 The LJV claimed that Rios was the first name on a " hit list " of 127 public figures whom it considered to be involved in corruption , prominent among whom were former President Jaime Lusinchi and his wife and former secretary Blanca Ibáñez .
17 It developed a power which enabled it to ‘ rate cap ’ a group of authorities whom it deemed to be high spenders .
18 Hills v. Ellis the defendant was outside a football match where he witnessed a policeman arresting a person whom he believed to be faultless .
19 The matter was considered by the Court of Appeal in Britton where a youth had left pamphlets late one evening in the porch of the house of a single member of Parliament whom he believed to be responsible for bringing coloured immigrants into Britain .
20 Two days ago , after his daughter had told him her story , he had immediately contacted an enquiry agent whom he knew to be trustworthy and told him to find out all that he could about Dr Neil Cochrane , Sir Alastair Cochrane 's younger brother .
21 Noverre 's second category comprised those dancers whom he expected to be technical perfectionists .
22 When it is suggested to him that it may be necessary and unavoidable to kill those who oppress mankind in the same way as it is necessary and unavoidable to hill a homicidal lunatic who threatens society , his reply is that no man is so evil as to be beyond redemption , and no man so perfect as to be justified in killing these whom he considers to be evil .
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