Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [vb past] [adv] [adj] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , an honourable mention must go to Caroline Bainbridge of Northolt , Middlesex , who used suitably passionate pink notepaper .
2 For the survivor who suffered relatively minor physical injuries but was subjected to a horrific experience , compensation will be sought for psychological trauma/nervous shock .
3 Douglas Reed , for example , who resigned as Central European Correspondent of The Times in 1938 over his newspaper 's support for appeasement politics , and whose background and life history read like the classic facsimile of the alleged fascist , proved in practice to be a crusading anti-fascist .
4 Tektronix Inc has tapped Carl Neun , who resigned as chief financial officer of Conner Peripherals Inc , to take the same post at Tektronix .
5 Tektronix Inc has tapped Carl Neun , who resigned as chief financial officer of Conner Peripherals Inc , to take the same post at Tektronix .
6 Edward Shevardnadze , who resigned as Soviet foreign minister last December , might have been the right sort of UN leader .
7 So I was down there watching The Yardbirds and the English bands that were starting , and one time there was this band — for some reason I was there early and watching the sound check — with this blond guy who had very long blond hair , and knee-length sort of sued , fringed , Sherwood Forest , Robin Hood-looking boots , playing a bit of sax on stage .
8 Having said that , it would presumably be very difficult for a student who held particularly strong right-wing views to survive on the course .
9 Secondly , assessments of the gentry can be misleading , insofar as large personal estates result in mere gentlemen with relatively little land being classed with major landowners , some of whom had only modest net personalty .
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