Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [vb past] [prep] [noun sg] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In that case , the dispute arose out of a DTI investigation into a suspected ‘ mole ’ , working at either the Office of Fair Trading or the Monopolies and Mergers Commission , who passed on price sensitive information to others who then dealt on the basis of it on the Stock Exchange .
2 I recently heard of a family who invited to church some friends who were staying with them for the weekend .
3 Teresa , aged 11 , is the second youngest of four children who came into care three years ago .
4 Reg Seekings , who came from No. 7 Commando , remembers an incident right at the beginning when they got fed up with erecting tents , that nearly erupted into a minor mutiny .
5 However , in line with students as a whole , SERC specialists were also less likely to be seeking employment than those who studied on conversion Advanced Courses .
6 When moved , I had hoped that my successor , who arrived in post last October , would still be able to progress this case .
7 But others in the Surinamese capital speculated the mercenaries could be connected with a Colombian drug baron , who escaped from custody last week , Mr Haakmat said .
8 All the men who worked to shovel radioactive waste off the roof of the reactor , he has told British viewers on Thames Television 's ‘ This Week ’ programme , are probably dead or dying .
9 HULL KR players who went on strike last week have settled the dispute .
10 He married in 1743 , by licence at Chelsea Hospital , Frances Atkinson , of Stockton-on-Tees , who died without issue 1 February 1777 .
11 Dr Jean Robertson , a GP for 26 years , originally had little time for the notion of psychic healing until an experience at the funeral of her nineteen year-old daughter , who died of cancer four years ago .
12 The bisexual actor , who died of AIDS last October , at the age of 70 , was diagnosed as HIV-positive six years ago .
13 As the UK 's main independent AIDS home care provider , we cared for around 25% of all those who died of AIDS last year .
14 Five of the defendants were originally accused of murdering Derek White , 46 , a suspected sex offender , who died in hospital three days after the riot began .
15 ‘ The Church of England and the monarchy are connected and a crisis in one is mirrored by a crisis in the other , ’ says William Oddie , a former Anglican clergyman who converted to Catholicism last year .
16 In between the posts went Ian Hepburn who retired from football several years ago and whose previous game in that position was ‘ umpteen ’ years before at the age of 12 .
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