Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [vb past] [pron] into [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was their own form-master Sam Sylvester who got them into the trouble in the first place .
2 Happily there presented itself such a person in Jeffrey ( now deservedly Lord ) Sterling , who threw himself into the task with total dedication .
3 It is obviously irrelevant to speculate on what if anything was in the mind of the clerk or other subordinate officer who actually received the money , or in the mind of the officer ( whoever he or she may have been ) who paid it into the bank to the defendants ' credit .
4 One , apprenticed to a shoe maker , recalled not a cruel master but a mistress who turned him into a household drudge .
5 It was Pete who turned it into a car . ’
6 Apart from rifling the chests of the Excise offices in the towns they had occupied , the Scots had while in England behaved with remarkable correctness , but now they were increasingly described as thieves and ruffians , an attitude epitomised by the verses written about a group of Yorkshire sportsmen who formed themselves into a unit of amateur warriors known as ‘ The Royal Hunters ’ :
7 Without looking at Silas , she asked casually , ‘ Is this the person who sent you into the outback — the one who has warped your mind against women in general ? ’
8 Who sent you into the forest ? ’
9 On one occasion , Orton told about an old man who took him into a cave in Tunisia and asked him to feel his posterior .
10 I put it carefully back in its envelope and gave it back to Dinwiddie , who slipped it into the pile .
11 All praise was given to Dean Acheson , the conference chairman , for his handling of the ‘ Reds ’ ; and there were lurid tales told by a reporter who smuggled himself into the Soviets ' rented mansion disguised as a plumber ( ‘ socks and panties dangled … orange peels littered the floors … five to seven beds had been squeezed into every bedroom … ’ ) .
12 The Conservatives , Winston Churchill predicted , with rather more prescience than Asquith , would not ‘ act as bottle holders to those who kicked us into the street three months ago and deliberately erected this Socialist monstrosity ’ .
13 As soon as he stepped out into the fluorescent-lit corridor , he was met by an official who hurried him into a briefing room .
14 Fulcher lunged at Mr Leonard who pushed him into a bedroom and then took the knife from him .
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