Example sentences of "that [was/were] left [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And I assure you it was n't to wipe your nose , it was to bring home any surplus cakes , that were left on the table .
2 Now then that were left on the
3 I crouched on the tiny oblong floor , clutching the only breasts that were left for me to clutch — my own .
4 Although it was summer a fire burned in the great stone hearth — embers which were all that were left of logs which had been burned during the night to repel the damp which always crept out of the stone walls .
5 He pulled up his roots a second time and moved to another new land , Germany , where during the twelve years that were left to him he accomplished a ‘ ballet miracle ’ , building not merely a repertory and a company in Stuttgart , but a whole new public attitude that affected other theatres throughout the country .
6 If the hon. Gentleman wants to find a worse record in Scotland for waiting lists , he should look at the waiting lists that were left to us by the previous Labour Government .
7 Well then they all come out , everybody , even Dave come out of the union and the only two that were left in it were Jane and Karen on our side and a couple from the warehouse and like there was Judith and I think Sonyou and a couple from the letter shop I , I , I do n't know , I do n't think Elaine went but I think the rest were , yes there were Pam and I think , I think Nigel were , but anyway when Judith comes up about what union money was left , I do n't know where it was left from or how it 's imposed , but they split the
8 As people bustled around him the Doctor had harangued them frantically with all the strength that was left to him .
9 Feeling more than ever like a cur , Neil turned the pages — but it was all of her that was left to him — and , he told himself firmly , he would read just enough to discover the truth about her … and why she had hoarded the cuttings .
10 Erm well I 've got a little cottage that was left to me up in erm North Wales that we rent out .
11 That Stronsay that was left on that worked on Moars .
12 In the evening when they came back he would crumble salt on a flat stone for them to lick , and once , in addition to their hay , he gave them the heap of grain that was left at the bottom of the fermentation jar when the beer was finished .
13 The remaining junk paper that was left with Shearson after the junk bond music stopped , will be converted into common stock at the price at which the company goes public .
14 Although the expressive effect is not easy to pinpoint , one can detect an impression of resultativity , as though the passive abstracts from any particular hearer so that the infinitive evokes the resulting impression that was left with all present .
15 So for example when I 've given a pint of blood instead of giving it into a plastic bag with sodium citrate to stop it clotting I 've actually given into a plain glass bottle and when I asked what this for the erm transfusion nurse said that they 're going to let the red cells all clot together at the bottom and use the serum that was left for blood grouping purposes which of course is very important .
16 Perhaps it 's sour grapes , since I have plainly avoided the coup poudre that was left for me .
17 now the girl that was left for er , a , an hour
18 He had his own little boat and do you know where farmers make farrows on the land , the only mark that was left behind by Angus was the mark where he pulled his boat up on to the shore every day that the weather was not too rough .
19 It must have been built to fill a space that was left after the five houses had been completed .
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