Example sentences of "that [pers pn] appears to " in BNC.

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1 Some fall in behind her , and follow her to the lecture theatre , so that she appears to be leading a little procession , a female Pied Piper .
2 One feature of the genetic decoding mechanism is that it appears to be irreversible .
3 That it appears to be is its power .
4 One reason for this , I would suggest , is that Brief Encounter is not simply the tearful tale of heterosexual romance that it appears to be : beneath , or alongside , or overlapping this narrative is another , quite specifically related to the homosexuality of its author .
5 that it appears to my Lords that this space of ground , including property in Downing-Street which the Board of Works has the power to appropriate to the purposes of public offices , will be sufficient for any new buildings which it is at present desirable to commence in that locality .
6 That it appears to this Committee that the Secretary ( Mr Huntingford ) has propagated reports injurious to the character of the Professor and that his conduct appears highly culpable in having spread such reports after he had reason to be satisfied that they were groundless .
7 That it appears to this Committee that the conduct of the Secretary has been highly culpable in inspecting and exposing the contents of papers of a private nature belonging to the professor which had by accident fallen into his ( the Secretary 's ) hands .
8 That it appears to this Committee that the conduct of the Secretary has been highly improper , in suppressing a Letter addressed to the general Committee .
9 The unique and dangerous features of the listeria bacterium are that it appears to be transmitted through meat or even vegetables grown in areas fertilised by the manure of infected animals .
10 It is , however , in my judgment , a valid objection to the section 6(2) order sought by paragraph 11 of the prayer that it appears to be directed to restoring only the investors to their former positions .
11 The use of the modular approach initially brings the very real advantage that it appears to be more acceptable to users and provides greater insight for the designer of the design problem .
12 At the apex of the jaw the ventralmost tooth may be superficial , separating , the infradental papillae so that it appears to be an apical papilla ; in other specimens the infradental papillae lie closer together ; they are followed on each side by two block-like oral papillae .
13 At least you know that 's true , that it is just a job , not the glamorous lifestyle that it appears to be , entailing flying around the world in private jets .
14 The blue component of incoming solar radiation is scattered so severely that it appears to our eyes to be coming from the entire sky .
15 The second sentence is perfectly unexceptionable apart from the fact that it appears to be in flat contradiction of the first : involuntary unemployment is a ‘ theoretical construct ’ — surely theoretical constructs fall within the purview of economic theory ! — which was developed to explain the very real and painful phenomenon of large-scale unemployment .
16 What happens when the unconscious child in Joan Halton finds yet again that she is always losing out , this time to her husband , to his old car on which he dotes or to his mother who is still demanding so much of his time and attention , and that he appears to be forgetting that he is now married and has new first loyalties ?
17 Would you not agree that he appears to be back to the form of two years ago ? ’
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