Example sentences of "that [pers pn] let [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Certainly I can not deduce which goals to pursue from the facts to be faced ; but will it not be a causally necessary condition of obeying ‘ Face facts ’ that I let myself be moved , at least incipiently , in the direction in which the facing of the facts would cause me to move ?
2 To the extent that I let myself be moved spontaneously in and out of perceptual and emotional awareness , it is likely to be my own ends , and those of persons whom I love or hate , which determine most of my choices of ends .
3 I ca n't believe that I was really that desperate , that I let myself go that completely .
4 I can not paint it as beautifully as that , but it absorbs me so much that I let myself go , never thinking of a single rule …
5 ‘ I said I was subject to them , not that I let them rule me ! ’
6 Sometimes I feel so lonely , so sick of my own thoughts , that I let him .
7 ‘ If you had n't known before , it must surely have occurred to you then , that it was a measure of my besottedness that I let you get away with it . ’
8 You were standing by the boat , demanding that I let you on board , and I felt such a raw , aching need lance through me that it shocked me .
9 May I remind you that I let you go ?
10 ‘ Meaning that I let you kiss me once I realised that was your intention , because I too thought that it would serve a purpose and stop Terry Lewis making any more waves .
11 And not the least wonderful thing is that you let me follow my star , and encourage me and help me ; so many women would n't .
12 If there is still no news in the morning , I recommend that you let me supply a professional bodyguard and review your personal security . ’
13 ‘ What I require , Rasputin , is that you let me out of here and let me see Elaine . ’
14 I 'll give you my home telephone number , and if you do n't find them until after I 've returned , and you 're not successful in persuading Suzie to go back to England , all I ask is that you let me know where I can contact her .
15 She 's a very conceited woman , Pete the adulterous told me she was a very conceited woman and er Neil says I I I 'd have to talk to him to him about this , she could n't discuss anything with him she would lay down the law , that was how it had to be and I said no I said Gerry and I , I had no hesitation , as I said , in putting the boot in and Brenda and Dave take the same the attitude to children that you let them first of all when they 're small , you have to tell them no like you do not
16 Remember , it is most important that you let your relatives know your wishes .
17 It is precisely because costs are passed on to third parties that we let them occur .
18 So I usually leave a er sheet of paper on the table and if you 're , if you 're interested in getting a free brochure what I shall do at the end of the course is to send this off er together with one of the cards that they let me have and er in due time you 'll get a free Saga magazine .
19 They were so relieved at the college that they let him keep his job . ’
20 ‘ They are obviously regretting that they let her start the paper round , but there seemed to be no reason for them to object to it . ’
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