Example sentences of "that [pers pn] wanted the " in BNC.

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1 I tried an abortive term at Durham University Drama Department and that made me realise even more that I wanted the real thing ; by then I had , in any case , worked the AIM stint and I did n't need theory ; I wanted practice .
2 I explained that I wanted the experience of running my own expedition and , after some discussion , he withdrew his objections but warned me not to go further than Bilen .
3 It only took me half a day to decide that I wanted the job .
4 This choice was helped to be made when one of them wrote me a nasty letter saying that it was clear that I wanted the other as my friend ( which , if I may say , was a lot of nonsense ) !
5 She signalled to the waiter that she wanted the bill and asked Dexter to phone in to the incident room to see if anything had happened .
6 Now she exclusively tells PETER GRANT about her four years with the top soap and reveals that she wanted the writers to kill off the character of Chrissie Rogers .
7 The hon. Member for Leeds , Central suggested that we wanted the increase from the review body to be in line with inflation .
8 Among our samples , for instance , 79 per cent of the spouses said at first interview that they wanted the dementia sufferer to remain at home , compared with 36 per cent of the non-spouses .
9 For in both action and control samples the majority still stated , one year later , that they wanted the dementia sufferer to remain at home : only one in the action sample , and two in the control sample stating a clear preference for institutional care .
10 ‘ For the railway monopolies , it has always been that they wanted the data network modernised .
11 This regular weekly contact , together with the organised group visits , meant that the students approached teaching practice knowing that they could organise a lesson in terms of defining in advance what it was that they wanted the children to learn how to do ; and then , by working backwards , sort out their materials , activities and procedures .
12 On a number of occasions during March members of the NPKA indicated that they wanted the new constitution to introduce a clear separation of powers between the executive and the legislature .
13 He said that there were a great many white people in the country and many more would come ; that he wanted the land marked out so that the Indians and white men could be separated .
14 Exactly what Reagan said remains a mystery , but the very fact that he did not dismiss the idea out of hand as quite contrary to all his public statements about Iran certainly left those u the meeting in no doubt that he wanted the deal to go ahead .
15 Police Sergeant Herbert Thorpe said that Drew had walked into the station and reported that trousers he had lost earlier had shown up and that he wanted the sergeant to inspect them .
16 He found that he wanted the sort of things girls , his wife even , demanded from him — chat , company , sharing .
17 But he is perceived as the spokesman of the new regime , and he has always said that he wanted the Panel to ‘ find a company to hang ’ .
18 ZANA reported him as saying on arrival in Lusaka that his fight was with Mr Heath only , and that he wanted the people of Zambia to ‘ leave the British people here alone ’ .
19 Dyson discovered that he wanted the young man to know where it was more than he wanted him not to know .
20 Visiting NATO headquarters in Brussels on March 8 immediately after the Bundestag debate [ see above ] Kohl stressed that he wanted the unification process " to calm down and not to be so hectic " .
21 Upon his return to Bangladesh Khan sided with the " neutralists " and made it clear to his officers that he wanted the military to remain impartial in the ongoing political conflict .
22 Menem publicly stated on Aug. 12 that he wanted the Constitution to be amended in order to allow him to run for re-election .
23 No formal time limit appeared to have been set on the US military presence , although Bush was reported on Dec. 4 as saying that he wanted the troops out by Jan. 20 , 1993 , when he was due to leave office .
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