Example sentences of "that [pers pn] seemed [adj] " in BNC.

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1 At the time , after years of wartime austerity , consumers were so relieved to sink their teeth into a nice slice of meat that they seemed content to remain in ignorance about its origins .
2 It was not the quantity of stars that was so impressive , though if there had been more they would have blended into a whitewash , nor was it their brilliance , though they were a dazzling variation of colour and size , but that they seemed alive .
3 He went on to say that it seemed prudent to classify all non-accidental injuries to young children as ‘ high risk ’ cases , since 80% of all children unlawfully killed by their parents had been previously abused .
4 He felt himself to be so uneducated that it seemed hopeless even to try to catch up with the ordinary things that people knew .
5 To be sure , the great apes behave so intelligently and have such a rich social life that it seemed extraordinary to many people that they could not learn to speak .
6 Since the Great War , 1914–18 , it has been practiced by wage-earners , suffering from long periods of unemployment and underemployment , so drastic that it seemed abject folly to produce children who could neither be adequately nourished nor sufficiently educated to secure a satisfactory livelihood .
7 We voted against it on the ground that it seemed absurd to respond to a crisis in the beef sector simply by throwing yet more money into a system which has not been reformed .
8 There was so much snow that it seemed impossible that this was not the natural surface of the earth .
9 The early evening sun was warm on her face and the sky so clear and calm that it seemed impossible so beautiful a world could be at war ; that small , beautiful world that was Yeoman 's Lane , and Tingle 's Wood , through which it ran .
10 But that had been seven months ago , a chill morning in mid-February , when the bushes which screened the canal walk from the neighbouring council estate had been tangled thickets of lifeless thorn ; when the branches of the ash trees had been black with buds so tight that it seemed impossible they could ever crack into greenness ; and the thin denuded wands of willow , drooping over the canal , had cut delicate feathers on the quickening stream .
11 Its population was expanding so fast that it seemed impossible that food production could keep pace with it .
12 She loved him , so much that it seemed impossible that she had lived her life this long without him , impossible that he could n't know it from her response .
13 I he scene was so magical , so stunning , that it seemed surreal .
14 So all she could report was that it seemed dark and cruiser-shaped .
15 We had such happy family holidays in the drizzle waiting for the sun to try and come out that it seemed churlish to spoil things with science .
16 He always used to speak so bitterly about his experiences as a monk that it seemed bizarre to think of him working alongside them at Hurstdown .
17 It struck him that it seemed weird that Leeds rejected continuous bids from Blackburn all through the season and then suddenly , out of the blue , accepted one .
18 So much had happened that it seemed incredible that it was barely a week since she 'd crossed the bridge in the opposite direction .
19 The room , painted a white so fresh that it seemed pale blue , was cool and soothing .
20 It was against this background , namely that it seemed preposterous to suppose that a.b could ever be other than equal to b.a in any consistent algebraic setting , that Hamilton looked for more than 10 years for an extension of complex numbers suitable for application to the physics of 3-dimensional space .
21 And the weather outside sounded so bad that it seemed wise to stay as she was a little longer .
22 The Bishop told clergy late last month and before Tony 's death , that it seemed likely that permission given by the Law Lords to stop feeding Tony would soon be acted upon :
23 And that he seemed determined to avoid .
24 One cello player , at least , swept his bow with so much passion that he seemed likely to roll off the platform .
25 It was n't simply that he seemed incapable of telling the truth : he could n't begin to express any thought without it sounding false or grotesque .
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