Example sentences of "that [pers pn] [be] making " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Well , yes , I must admit , ’ replies management , ‘ that I am making a good thing out of this , the best break we have had for years — you see , my methods of production are so cheap and efficient . ’
2 Eschewing the considerable underlying complexities in the points that I am making , I would argue that there is a fundamental difference between ‘ understanding information ’ and ‘ understanding the full potential value of information ’ : .
3 ‘ It might just be , ’ Hari said sharply , ‘ that I am making something a little bit different , giving personal attention to what the ladies require in a way that a big factory could not do . ’
4 A common response to the claim that I am making about observation , supported by the kinds of examples I have utilized , is that observers viewing the same scene from the same place see the same thing but interpret what they see differently .
5 Member will give me just a moment to finish the point that I am making I shall come to that .
6 All the available funds should be targeted in that way to ensure that we achieve the best social return on the available resources — If Conservative Members think that I am making a partisan point , I invite the Secretary of State for the Environment to move beyond the Municipal Journal .
7 The point that I am making is that the argument is not one of Sunday trading , but one of law and order , with the Conservative party ranged firmly among the enemies of law and order .
8 Let me read to the right hon. and learned Gentleman what the Engineering Employers Federation said : ’ Our experience is that provided they are properly conducted ’ — the very point that I am making — ’ secret workplace ballots are not subject to harassment and have additional beneficial features .
9 but that comes after any moves that I 'm making because clearly , they need somebody that can be
10 ‘ I 'm not sure that I 'm making myself clear , ’ said the alchemist .
11 I 'm just trying to move passed that I 'm making a couple of holes bigger .
12 So what I 'm actually saying is that I 'm making my objective an elephant , it 's too large i e if I wanted to eat an elephant , it 's too large an objective , but I could achieve it by what ?
13 This is a point that I 'm making , and I think it is worth the erm the consumers when they are going into buy vehicles to ask is this the best policy that I can have ?
14 When I did eventually tell her she was really embarrassed , and tried telling me that I was making it up !
15 In order to keep an erection long enough to fake orgasm , I had to imagine that I was making love to Karen .
16 One was that all people knew about me was that I was making trouble about the caravan site and a lot of them assumed that because it was at the bottom of my own garden , I must naturally be on ‘ their side ’ , whatever my political colour : that is , I wanted the site disbanded .
17 The sickening that I was making a mess of the first real pitch of the first real pitch of IV± , and that I 'd have to take my sack off if I was going to stay on , swept over me .
18 He looked suddenly suspicious that I was making fun of him , which I was n't , and grabbed me to look down the front of my dress .
19 And I would n't be thinking that I was making an investment , if you understand me . ’
20 There 's no chance of making all these errors that I was making , oh no what 's this ?
21 Second point : although you obviously have such a low opinion of me that it does n't strain your credulity to believe that I was making love to two women at once , one of them married , I ca n't believe that even you could see me in the role of toy-boy .
22 ‘ I was n't aware that I was making a — big thing , ’ Luke said acidly .
23 And indeed , to go for a more precise figure would suggest that I was making a particular point .
24 Lenders have confirmed that they do not seek possession where the borrower has suffered a severe reduction in income support but is still making a regular and routine payment , nor will they repossess — which is the point that I was making — where income support is paid direct to them .
25 The Minister has made exactly the point that I was making — that , in effect , a tiny minority has claims that are unfounded and without merit .
26 The hon. Gentleman makes a fair point , which is not very different from the point that I was making about what the governor of Brixton prison knew several months before those IRA terrorists broke out .
27 If , of course , her grief becomes prolonged and it seems that she is making no headway towards adjustment , it will be advisable for her to see her doctor , but this rarely happens .
28 It would be heartless to deny her the pleasure of feeling that she is making a useful contribution to the preparation of meals , but it would be equally unkind not to make it clear to her from the beginning just who will be in charge and wearing the chef 's hat !
29 Recently a German feminist art historian , Angela Rosenthal , ( who also writes on portraiture in the book ) has suggested that Angelica Kaufman 's paintings have to be read as a carefully constructed game of masking she claims that she is making , through her use of certain key subjects , for women 's artistic and intellectual intelligence .
30 She honestly believed that she was making life easier for Jack , by providing him with a background of home , where not only were meals provided and clothes mended , but his time was also jealously guarded .
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