Example sentences of "that [prep] spite [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Sense that in spite of everything it too only adds to the stream of lies and filth ?
2 As for government style , Sir Geoffrey warned that in spite of Margaret Thatcher 's revolution there was a pervading temptation for the country to revert to its ‘ besetting sin ’ of complacency .
3 But many believe that in spite of a growing public awareness of the trauma of rape , the legal process still fails women .
4 Such was the excitement and focus on Maggie that in spite of Rose 's care to draw him into the conversation Moran began to feel out of it and grew bored .
5 He was able to assure her that in spite of a few twisted ankles and bruised limbs , those same Jocks were skiing not half badly by the time that strange wartime holiday was over .
6 In today 's Nature , Professor Stephen Mann and Dr Jon Didymus from Bath University , working with Dr Young and colleagues at the Natural History Museum , have found that in spite of their varied appearance , the chalk crystals of which they are built are organised in the same way at the atomic level .
7 The celebrated cases make the point that in spite of its ill-deserved reputation , Glasgow is actually more peaceful than a lot of other places I could think of … unless , of course , you were an innocent wee serving lassie in 1862 .
8 The result was that in spite of some misgivings about the script and the incessantly repetitive dialogue about them doing their own thing , reviewers spoke glowingly of ‘ an actor named Jack Nicholson … is magnificent ’ and ‘ he gave a brilliantly witty performance ’ .
9 Those who had been watching him work believed that in spite of the traumas , Hopper the actor was a star , and Hopper the director had completed an extraordinarily good film which , according to one description , included some ‘ hauntingly beautiful footage ’ .
10 When Wicked Willie explains to his Man that ‘ it 's no good , I do n't fancy Caroline and I never will ’ , he means that in spite of Man 's liking and respect for the girl , and even her physical attractiveness , there is n't that subtle sexual aroma exuded by pheromones .
11 We have tramped miles over mountain and moorland in search of sport , and one of the joys of living and fishing in Scotland is that in spite of nearly forty years ' trout fishing , we have at least another forty years to go before we can honestly say we know but a fraction of all the fishing available .
12 Lessees are sometimes astonished to be told that in spite of obtaining planning permission with their landlord 's knowledge , they still require his consent and if he is not inclined to give it , the means of getting him to agree can be difficult , slow and expensive .
13 Then she leaned against it , realising that in spite of the fact that she was still wearing her ski jacket in the warm flat , she was shivering again .
14 When the three girls arrived she was surprised to find that in spite of their sophistication they were not much older than she was and as she watched them glide out in the first selection of fashions she felt a small prickle of excitement .
15 It was clear that in spite of the NSDAP 's grip on the local population and the conciliatory attitudes of British and French politicians , he would be unable to bargain Danzig back into the Reich .
16 It dawned upon Ruth with some surprise that the outing was to be a great treat for Miss Beard , and that in spite of all her high-faluting talk , not many of those came her way .
17 Fortunately , overseas investors perceive the UK as an area of political stability ; it seems that in spite of the Danish referendum EC monetary convergence may continue , so the UK could remain a major beneficiary of inward capital flows .
18 By July , the committee reported that in spite of an increase in the number of members over the last quarter , there had been a loss of trade and a decline in share capital .
19 The bitter injustice which is afflicting him so deeply now is that in spite of the fact that he has been perfectly all right ever since , no-one will believe it .
20 Also , while I have the chance , could I point out that in spite of the FRCC guide crediting me with the first ascent of the bolt ladder route named Fiery Cross ( Dry Grasp ) on Upper Falcon Crag , it has nothing to do with me or B. Henderson , listed as my second .
21 I have argued that in spite of the formalism of diagrams , binary opposites , levels and meta-levels , structuralism has really been about a mode of interpretation of aspects of culture .
22 It should perhaps be noted that in spite of the shift from a gesellschaft to a bureaucratic administrative type of law and social regulation which has been outlined above , private ( essentially property-related ) interests continue to be well-served by the existing representative model of democracy , in spite of its imperfections as a means of exercising political control and accountability over policy-making .
23 She finished on such a note of surprise that in spite of myself I laughed .
24 In a lecture that I gave in Rome I tried to show that in spite of what Thomas Kuhn says ( which has been much exaggerated by his followers ) , you can not write the history of any branch of knowledge , whatever it may be , from a completely relativist point of view .
25 What is not in doubt is that in spite of huge emigration , steadily dropping natality and enormous wartime losses , the European population as a whole still went up throughout this period ( see also pp. 367–68 ) .
26 Many think that in spite of strenuous efforts by Mill , utilitarianism can not really do justice to the concept of justice .
27 With the ardour of his age Dick agrees to carry a vital message across the frontier into Flavonia : delighting in unexpected action , he is afraid only of being late and failing in his mission and it is the free resourcefulness of a boy that ensures that in spite of accidents the message does get through .
28 It was because the Tory Opposition would not allow it — and that in spite of a general election which , fought on the one issue , had just returned a House of Commons with a large majority in favour .
29 By this time it was becoming obvious that in spite of the fact that the French were conveying the impression of a limited operation ‘ to restore order ’ ( which might be at least six months to a year ) they were hoping for more moderate Vietnamese leaders to emerge and , in the meantime , they would not after all negotiate with Ho Chi Minh .
30 It has to be recorded that in spite of all his precautions he sometimes fails to make his getaway in time and the female eats him after all .
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