Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [be] [adv] [vb pp] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But if the problems of training staff and investing in the necessary hardware and software systems are proving burdensome to national institutions , they will surely place an intolerable strain on the budgets of local archival services , many of whom are already faced with reduced hours of opening and the like simply in order to survive .
2 Given that it seems clear that we may expect students who are well qualified in traditional terms to achieve relatively high levels of academic achievement , an important measure of success may be the extent to which institutions are able to take students who are not well qualified traditionally and achieve relatively high success rates with these students .
3 As it happens , the supreme masters of ‘ golden age ’ polyphony toward the latter part of the century , when Italian innovators were making even bolder experiments with word-carrying music , were an Italian , Palestrina , an Italianized Spaniard , and — more affected by humanism — an Italianized Fleming , who are widely known by Italianized forms of their names , ‘ Vittoria ’ and ‘ Orlando di Lasso ’ .
4 Further sources of inner city rejuvenation are derived from the bulge of school leavers and young adults who are traditionally drawn towards metropolitan centres and from the changing structure of the labour market .
5 A spokeswoman for the Women 's Centre , a voluntary organisation fighting against the proposed abolition , said it would add further to the misery of women who are already exploited as cheap labour .
6 Sterilisations and abortions are being forced upon women who are then fitted with intro-uterine devices to prevent them having children , he claimed .
7 One might interpret this in relation to stronger group orientation , as expected of those who are field-dependent , nevertheless the task might be expected to be easier for those who are more used to visual processing .
8 It is only the American buyers who are now attracted by genuine objets d'art , they are the only ones who understand their true worth and what kind of reflection is that upon us ?
9 The main categories of non-private customer are : ( 1 ) Ordinary business investors ( see page 36 below ) ; ( 2 ) Individuals who are acting in the course of carrying on investment business ; ( 3 ) Expert private customers ( whether individuals or small business investors ) who have agreed to be treated as non-private customers ( see page 37 below ) ; ( 4 ) Small business investors who : ( a ) are acting in the course of carrying on investment business , or ( b ) the firm reasonably believes are ordinary business investors ; or ( c ) are trade customers ( see page 38 below ) in relation to the transaction concerned ( who are technically treated as ordinary business investors ) .
10 This might exclude many students who are currently enrolled in English degrees , even those with good A-levels which can now be obtained very largely by studying drama and fiction .
11 Very often those without enough political power to influence the course of events resulting from erosion and from official conservation programmes , are those who are politically subordinated in other related ways .
12 He said , I suppose there are people who are purely moved by great art .
13 They are women who have learnt to defend themselves , who are directly affected by central and local government policies , price speculation and the economic situation of the country .
14 By involving everyone , the teacher included certain children who were frequently excluded from spontaneous groups , to give them experience of cooperative work .
15 There are references in the sources to laeti , who were probably descended from barbarian soldiers settled within the empire .
16 ‘ I could think of individual old people who were inappropriately placed in long-stay settings , or who were creating excessive stresses at home on relatives … and I could see that something more substantial in the community needed to be provided .
17 In the UK new workers were found amongst women who were increasingly drawn into paid work , and also through migration both from Commonwealth countries and from the now declining northern regions to the midlands and south .
18 Apart from the Germans and White Russians ( the Schutzkorps ) who were later transferred to other camps , the main contingents at Viktring comprised units of the Slovene Home Guard ( Domobranci ) , under Gen Krenner ( approx 13,000 including camp followers ) , three regiments of Serbian Volunteers ( approx 4,000 ) plus a smaller number of Montenegrin Royalist ( Chetnik ) troops , Croats and several thousand Slovene and other civilian refugees from various parts of Yugoslavia .
19 In a further letter , dated 28 June 1323 , the pope reminded the bishop of Aire , who was acting as an intermediary between Lestrange and Jeanne of Artois , that Gaston II was very young , and was surrounded by young men who were easily swayed to unbridled and ill-considered actions .
20 Carolyn , 24 pictured here with three of her five bridesmaids , who were also dressed in red and white of Highfield Road South , Rock Ferry , Wirral , wore her eye-catching creation at Christchurch in Port Sunlight .
21 He mentions the issue of justice , ‘ Oh , there were many here who were justly shot by unjust men .
22 For the first six months , those who were further advanced towards full Marinehood had simply treated the latest Necromundan intake as juveniles , as sprats who might or might not grow into sharks .
23 He was content , however , in the knowledge that this man had only ever been known to serve the Rada Loa , those good spirits who were often associated with Catholic saints when the people felt it necessary to show some respect for the official state religion without compromising their traditional beliefs .
24 The six soldiers , who were variously accused of disorderly behaviour , assault and criminal damage , were represented by four senior Queen 's Counsel and an equal number of junior barristers at a cost estimated to be around £95,000 for the seven day hearing .
25 To protect themselves mamluks returned to their slave markets of origin to purchase boys who were then reared in existing mamluk households creating an isolated military caste to rule Egypt .
26 But it also sustains an idea of the feminist , not just as an individual , autonomous subject , but also as a subject defined by her relationship to others , who is differently defined in different contexts , and who has no fixed boundaries .
27 Does my right hon. Friend , who is undoubtedly committed to improving health care , agree that the reforms make planning and the provision of supra-regional specialties very much more difficult ?
28 The subject is Bavarian author and historian Anja Rosmus , who is thinly disguised as fictitious character Sonja Wegmus ( Lena Stolze ) .
29 But none of them , it is widely acknowledged , has the talent , flair or business acumen of ‘ Mister ’ John who is variously described by senior Littlewoods executives as ‘ a genius ’ , ‘ unique ’ and ‘ the most significant pre-War businessman still alive . ’
30 Whatever the cause , the individual who is sexually attracted to young children to an exclusive or obsessive extent is likely to be unsatisfied and unhappy unless his or her need can be met .
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