Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [be] [adj] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Most PR executives will need to build up a repertoire of photographers who are skilled in the various areas covered by the media relations programme .
2 The we-group of the Chewong , however , extends into the domains of non-human beings , that is , it includes all those things in the environment such as trees , stones , rivers , mountains , which are supposed to have consciousness — and thus in Chewong parlance are ‘ people ’ ( beri ) , as well as the large number of beings who are said to exist , but who are invisible to the ordinary eye .
3 In short , those who are critical of the private sector must ensure that their facts are correct .
4 ( d ) The reverse of the above , so that it is the children who are marooned on the alien planet , the teacher who is the alien offering them passage back to earth providing the children can explain the way of life on earth .
5 We must recognise that many people who earn relatively modest wages and who are essential to the rural economy will be the first to be put at risk by those proposals .
6 Kilfedder 's vote seems highly personal and only those who are close to the political scene in North Down can know whether natural supporters of UPNI and Alliance had Kilfedder as a first and personal preference , and then reverted to their natural allegiance , or whether the position was reversed .
7 We will also be using the experience of the CVNI trainers and tutors who are familiar with the global problems or ‘ big picture ’ .
8 Additions to the Board are generally made by nominations from existing or previous Board members , Highlander staff , or selected friends and associates of Highlander who are familiar with the educational philosophy .
9 For example , our research suggests that it would be doubtful if the kinds of front-line care , including family planning services , that are being provided in rural areas of Indonesia and India would be as acceptable or effective without the participation of village-level workers who are familiar with the local language , culture , religion , and way of life .
10 For those readers who are familiar with the circular flow model outlined in Chapter 1 , this appendix is intended to provide a slightly more rigorous approach to that which has already been developed in Sections 1.2 — 1.5 .
11 Of particular relevance here is the common interest which the peace-tax movement may have with the more progressive local authorities who are opposed to the new government civil defence regulations .
12 ‘ We will also keep a better check on rider 's allowances so we do n't have a situation like the one where Adrian Maguire lost several wins through riding with the wrong allowance , ’ said Michael Caulfield of the Jockeys Association , who are involved in the new system .
13 Older pupils , who are still being taught in a more ‘ traditional ’ way , demonstrate a much higher degree of dependency upon Rick in their maths lessons than do younger pupils who are involved in the new curriculum .
14 Certainly workshop space was set aside for women who are involved in the Labour Party .
15 THERE is , alas , more unanimity among the 51 Bosnian Serb politicians who rejected the Vance-Owen peace plan than among the four permanent members of the UN Security Council who are involved in the Bosnian conflict — America , Britain , France and Russia .
16 All 50,000 who passed the course , and a further 20,000 members of staff who are involved in the cold chain , then embarked upon a second training module to emphasise the importance of maintaining chilled and frozen foods at the correct temperature .
17 A large part of its ability to regulate effectively stems from the fact that it is auditors , with their full understanding of the realities of an audit and of practising firms , who are involved in the regulatory processes .
18 For our purposes , the executive will be understood to refer to the body of government ministers together with permanent senior officials ( bureaucrats ) who are involved in the basic decisions over what policy proposals to initiate and pursue and the priority to give them .
19 Similarly , for those who are impressed with the low level of industrial conflict characteristic of the Swedish industrial relations system as it traditionally operated , she points to the significance of broader influences .
20 That 's the unanimous verdict of shoppers who are impressed by the elegant surroundings , high quality shops and first rate service .
21 I recommend this book to those who are curious about the medical benefits of a stay at high altitude .
22 A recruiting office which is equipped with modern word-processing facilities , access to staff who are knowledgeable about the educational opportunities and the roles of nurses , a supply of leaflets , brochures and prospectuses are also an essential component of the recruitment operation , Enquiries should receive a personalised reply , almost by return of post .
23 Shareholders who are liable at the basic rate of 25 per cent will have no further tax to pay .
24 Decentralization and local democracy should be the slogans of all who are concerned about the inner city .
25 I have here a petition with about 22,000 signatures , principally of visitors and the staff of the royal parks who are concerned about the proposed privatisation of those parks because they fear a consequent fall from the high standards established in them .
26 ‘ May interest those who are concerned with the laboring man and his problems ’ was the critic 's judgement but he also added that ‘ the trite story , the indifferent performances of the unknown players and the lack of new and interesting situations are an almost insurmountable handicap ’ .
27 The hospital adds that relatives and friends of patients who are worried about the emotive issue of locking doors on patients are quite free to seek reassurance and examine the seclusion rooms for themselves … staff say the hospital has nothing to hide
28 So I mean I suppose they 'll look at it in the same kind of way , somebody who 's got managerial , management qualities rather than I suppose people who are interested in the other side of it , the medical side of it , probably , really be geared up to organizing the money side of it would n't they , usually one or the other .
29 For example , workers like Kandel and his colleagues ( Hawkins and Kandel 1984 ) , who are interested in the cellular bases of memory , are actively studying ‘ associative ’ learning tasks like classical conditioning in the belief that this represents a fundamental mammalian learning process .
30 … geographers who are interested in the physical environment of man need to be trained rather differently than in the past .
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