Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [adv] [verb] [pos pn] own [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 At the Council of Arminium forty-five years later , there were four British bishops , one of whom apparently paid his own way — which would seem to indicate some degree of prosperity .
2 There are some artists who rarely write their own material ( Cliff Richard is the classic example ) , and as a result , the specialist songwriter always has a place in music publishing companies .
3 On 14 August 1950 the new set-up was endorsed by the legislature established by the USI who thus ended their own existence .
4 A pedagogical grammar , on the other hand , is used to teach an adult ( who already reads his own language ) to speak a foreign language .
5 The women who normally overestimated their own size by up to 15 per cent under-estimated the models ' sizes by 25 per cent .
6 He has the air of someone who always gets his own way .
7 She remembers and admires Queen Victoria as ‘ a strong-minded woman who always had her own way ’ .
8 I could not help but remember myself , another pretty fair-haired boy , who also wanted his own way at that age , and how I wound Uncle Bill 's heart round my little finger and was perhaps responsible for the tragedy caused by a savagely jealous dog .
9 Department stores may also be expensive because they usually buy from specialist retailers who understandably add their own profit margin onto the wholesale costs .
10 After the judgment the man , who now runs his own company in Wales , said ‘ The allegations were absolute nonsense . ’
11 Andrew is a direct , no-nonsense man — a former Army officer who now runs his own shoe importing business .
12 And handsome David Wood , who now runs his own hairdressing salon in Melbourne , was lucky enough to date her .
13 Therapy will extend to families of victims who often suffer their own trauma because of the abuse .
14 Miss Denice Lewis , the American poule de luxe , has been shedding light on her fellow compatriot , Mr Steven Wyatt , the ‘ wealthy oil trader ’ who kindly befriended our own Duchess of York .
15 A surveyor who fully understands his own role and appreciates the roles of both client and contractor as defined in the contract can have a great influence in ensuring that a project runs smoothly .
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