Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [verb] been [vb pp] [adv prt] by " in BNC.

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1 Their hosts today welcome back David Plews who has been ruled out by a hamstring injury sustained at Norton in the opening game of the season .
2 The trap in Sam 's boathouse kept intruding and so did Angela Brickell ; the cold threat of khaki water that could rush into aching lungs to bring oblivion and the earthy girl who 'd been claimed back by the earth , eaten clean by earth creatures , become earth-digested dust .
3 There was one abominable story of a young man to whom this happened , a freelance journalist , who 'd been taken on by one of the agencies on a temporary trial which had n't worked out .
4 Also over here in the new year are URGE OVERKILL , who 've been spurred on by the success of their last two singles , ‘ Faroutski ’ and ‘ Ticket to LA' .
5 Also over here in the new year are URGE OVERKILL , who 've been spurred on by the success of their last two singles , ‘ Faroutski ’ and ‘ Ticket to LA' .
6 The Trades Union Congress had called the strike in order to support the coal miners who had been locked out by the coal owners , who were attempting to impose wage reductions upon them .
7 Later , much later , when she had occasion to meet a policeman 's wife , a woman who had been beaten up by her husband for taking a lover on the nights he was on duty , the wife said to her , ‘ Well , you ought to understand .
8 There was a house somewhere near , where women who had been beaten up by their husbands stayed .
9 A good woman , someone had explained to him on the road from Brighouse , the widow of Radical Jack Thackray , something of a local hero , who had been cut down by a sabre at St Peter 's Fields in Manchester , asking for rather less in the way of electoral reform than Daniel himself was demanding now .
10 Only when Zimbabwean Peter Ndlovu , Coventry 's exciting striker who had been kept out by their recent resurgence in form , came on as substitute after the break was there occasional menace .
11 If so , then it was a case of sweet revenge for Whittingham , who had been shot down by this unit over England during 1940 !
12 George Dinsdale , stationed at Redcar , said the man , known only as a Mr Kirwan of Lumley Street , Redcar , jumped into the water near a slipway to rescue a youth who had been dragged in by a huge wave .
13 Beck , who had been woken up by the Oscar-nominee , offered him a bed in the living room but told him to take a cab over .
14 Another notable seizure made by Vigilant was as a result of an operation in 1969 , initiated by the Investigation Branch who had been tipped off by their Dutch colleagues that a suspected smuggling vessel had left Flushing bound for the Kent coast .
15 Another exile in Gaul was Ecgberht , son of Ealhmund , who had been driven out by Offa and Beorhtric , king of the West Saxons , and who sought refuge in Gaul ( ASC A , s.a. 836 ) where , according to William of Malmesbury writing in a later age , he learnt the arts of government .
16 BEIRUT — Syrian forces freed a Lebanese air force pilot who had been picked up by a gunboat after ditching his plane in the Mediterranean yesterday , Reuter reports .
17 Hannah Dooley knew a bloke in Birmingham who had been set on by a group of small ‘ pod-like ’ creatures while out walking his dog .
18 Sir Christopher designed most of the buildings himself , but left the design of ‘ The Castle , to the terrifically fashionable architect John Carr of York , who had been taken up by the Yorkshire gentry after his triumph with the design for the grandstand on the racecourse at Knavesmire .
19 Although David Cecil was and always had been a devout Christian , he became the favourite candidate of those who resented the ‘ clerical candidate ’ , the man who had been put up by Lewis , just because he was a Christian .
20 Crues ' centre back Barry Hunter had snuffed out Newry 's only worthwhile goal attempt early on when he blocked an effort by Gary Hughes who had been put through by the clever Ollie Ralph .
21 Gabriel Oak was a sensible man of good character , who had been brought up by his father as a shepherd , and then managed to save enough money to rent his own farm on Norcombe Hill , in Dorset .
22 He talked of the misery of his marriage to his wife , and the evil character of you , Monks , his only son , who had been brought up by your mother to hate him .
23 A number of people who have been singled out by Mrs Whitehouse as playing particularly crucial roles in the process of supposedly ‘ permissive change ’ have already been mentioned .
24 That is something to do with Traidcraft that they erm they quite often work with groups who have been set up by carriages from Europe .
25 The beautiful Thamesside setting of the Cottons Centre , where CCG run customer catering for Citibank , was put to the test this summer with an exclusive dinner for 15 chairmen and chief executives , who have been booked in by a public relations consultancy .
26 Yeah , she 's great — she has split up from her husband and works for her and the kids , a really independent woman who 's been messed around by men and is now looking after herself .
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