Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [verb] that [pron] [vb past] the " in BNC.

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1 And since , through election by the princes , the kingdom and the empire are ours from God alone , Who at the time of the passion of His Son Christ subjected the world to dominion by the two swords ( Luke 22:38 ) and since the apostle Peter taught this doctrine ‘ fear God , honour the King ’ ( Peter 2:17 ) whosoever says that we received the imperial crown as a benefice from the lord pope contradicts the divine ordinance and the doctrine of Peter and is guilty of a lie …
2 Well who , who noticed that you had the least Brummie accent ?
3 They were astonished at the number of people who replied that they preferred the hole !
4 These decisions , supported respectively by 23 and 32 countries , provoked a walkout by the Dutch delegate , who complained that they exemplified the lack of consideration of the larger EC members for the smaller member countries , and that the outcome of the voting had been " deviously stage-managed " to present a fait accompli based on an Anglo-French deal reached at the IMF Group of 7 meeting on May 6 [ see p. 37474 ] .
5 These fears were dismissed on Oct. 21 by Kaunda , who said that they illustrated the immaturity of the MMD leadership .
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