Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [verb] [to-vb] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 One hundred and nine adult asymptomatic cases without any abdominal complaints ( 68 women , with a mean age of 45.6 years ) , who agreed to participate in this study , were selected from an original group of 120 controls ; 11 subjects refused to participate in the investigation .
2 These falls have been due in part to straightforward changes in age structure : fewer children — who tend to increase average household size — and more elderly people — who tend to live in smaller households — will both lower the overall average household size .
3 New entrants to the venture capital industry are now low in number , probably reflecting the size and strength of incumbents in attracting the available funds , and it is likely that concentration will occur , creating larger institutions , possibly to the detriment of independent venture capitalists who tend to specialise in particular markets .
4 But Mr Ahtisaari said that more recent checking , against the roll of Namibians who registered to vote in recent months , turned up 54 more names , and the mission expects to find that at least 20 others have been repatriated .
5 There was to be no pay , and yet any private who failed to attend for two hours , at least twice a week , for ‘ The Exercise ’ when the troops would ‘ … go through the Evolutions together ’ would be fined two shillings .
6 ‘ Ideally , it would involve the six clubs in Scotland and 10 in England who failed to qualify for European competition . ’
7 FORMER Barcelona Open winner David Whelan , who failed to qualify for this year 's European Tour , hopes to play regularly in NE and NW PGA events .
8 This qualification was designed for candidates with special needs who intend to progress into occupational NVQs .
9 Those who ceased to associate with such organizations within one month of the law coming into effect would be exempt from punishment .
10 They dictate the shape of many land-holdings , parishes , counties , and even parts of the Welsh and Scottish borders , as is well known to the poor river engineer who has to negotiate with different landowners , not to mention councils , on opposing banks as he tries to promote his scheme .
11 He said : ‘ Mr Thompson is a very brave man who has to live among these people , and we congratulate him . ’
12 ‘ Mr Thompson is a very brave man who has to live among these people and we congratulate him , ’ he said .
13 We are confirmed in this belief by a passage contained in a Judicial Studies Board paper issued to Circuit Judges and Recorders in June 1991 where the Honourable Mr Justice Wright stated : It is impossible to over-rate the contribution made by Kemp & Kemp : The Quantum of Damages to this branch of the law and every Judge who has to deal with personal injury litigation will undoubtedly have to have access to it .
14 I should be glad if the Minister would comment on the suggestions that have been made that there is wrangling with other Government Departments over who has to pay for these places .
15 I shall discuss some of the results of this work , and their possible implications , at the end of this chapter , but I shall look first at some of the general problems for the sociologist who wants to engage in this type of investigation .
16 Who wants to celebrate on 7 October ( fortieth anniversary of the GDR ) ? resident of East Berlin The successful are always tempted to regard their success as a sort of blessing or reward for righteousness .
17 This week it was revealed that an 11-year-old girl , who wants to stay with foster parents rather than live with her mother and four brothers and sisters , has launched a similar legal action .
18 DOLPHINS AND SEAGULLS , silence and laughter David Sylvian and Charlie Parker John Cleese and Buster Keaton … who wants to write to this woman .
19 Most , most criminals do n't want to get caught but there are the odd exceptions who are a bit idiotic er but we erm they 're very rare and usually high on drugs on something like that , but we 're just your ordinary sort of down and out type criminal who wants to break in some way .
20 Who wants to hear about brave deeds when he 's ashamed of his own , and who likes an open , honest tale from someone he 's deceiving ?
21 Third , the particular reputational approach used by Hunter presupposed that which remained to be proven — that there is a group of forty people in whose hands power in Atlanta is concentrated — by devoting all his efforts to finding out the names of people who appear to belong to this elite .
22 A number of deaf men attempted to enlist for the Army , but many were rejected on grounds of deafness , including four who tried to enlist in one day at an enlisting station in Wales .
23 It is no accident that in all the great religions , people who want to engage in this kind of contemplative activity have organised a monastic life to cater to their needs .
24 So this letter which refers to our processes in this county council , it 's talking about people who want to go into residential care and to use public money .
25 It is certain that even those entrepreneurs and managers who seek to act as professional industrialists have to operate in an environment which is hostile to them , and in which the pursuit of marginal returns is an uphill struggle .
26 What happened to all those budding artists who came to sign on last autumn and arrived with their brand new paint boxes and paper ?
27 In other words , a real character — who happens to talk in hilarious one-liners .
28 It is made by individual firms who hope to benefit through foreign trade .
29 In our work , we often come across abused children , and adults , who seem to exist in some kind of nether world , unable to express fear , anger or love and who forever , unable to have satisfying relationships , feel alone — disconnected from themselves and others around them .
30 They are very costly and they are likely to be resisted by various sections of the community , including some of those who stand to benefit from such policies .
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