Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [verb] [vb pp] [noun] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Today he is an accomplished musician who has won awards for piano playing .
2 Kinnear , who has had enquiries for midfielders Warren Barton and Robbie Earle , said : ‘ I want to hang on to my players as long as possible — my job 's hard enough as it is .
3 Bigger figures — industrialists who had made weapons for Germany — were tried later at highly publicised hearings .
4 ‘ I went to Ron Grainer , who had written themes for programmes like Maigret and Steptoe and Son , and asked him how he would feel trying to achieve a melody electronically .
5 The only prospective trial directly comparing elemental diet with steroids , which included adult patients who had received treatment for Crohn 's disease in the past , also entailed administration of antibiotics during the 10 day treatment with elemental diet .
6 In some quarters it was suggested that the best solution would be to set up a government of ‘ national trustees ’ , headed by McKenna , who had deserted politics for banking and had not sat in ; Parliament since 1918 .
7 Absent also was Leofwine , who had taken Thorfinn for King as Cormac had , or so it seemed , on the glorious journey to and from Rome , and who had stood trembling as Cormac had on the steps of St Peter 's , one of a brotherhood that had seemed to promise a future none of them had so far dreamed of .
8 Quite apart from this impulsive folly , there was another reason for Leopold to be anxious : Wolfgang had written that on being turfed out of the archbishop 's lodgings he had taken refuge with his friends the Webers , who had left Munich for Vienna in 1779 when Aloysia was taken on at the German opera .
9 By June 15 UN World Food Programme ( WFP ) officials in Nairobi numbered at 400,000 the refugees who had left Ethiopia for Sudan following the overthrow in May of the Mengistu regime .
10 There is no doubt that this is a proper way to acknowledge the fine achievements of sportsmen and women and others who have done work for charity .
11 Preference will be given to candidates who have achieved recognition for distinction in architectural design , and who have teaching experience in this field .
12 Sec. reads the names of those who have sent apologies for absence .
13 Yoga is ‘ unfruitful ’ but for those who have trusted Christ for salvation and received the promised indwelling Holy Spirit ( see John 7 v. 39 ) ‘ the fruit of the Spirit is love , joy , PEACE , longsuffering , gentleness , goodness , faith , meekness , temperance . ’
14 Cecilia Taylor would like all those teachers who have taken tickets for sale to let her have number sold as soon as possible and by 31st January at the latest .
15 We know , though we can not prove it , that there are some extremely prominent British athletes who have used steroids for years .
16 A number of successful prosecutions have been brought against car dealers who have had cars for sale on which the odometers ( mileometers ) showed mileages different from those which the car had actually travelled .
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