Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [verb] [adv] [vb pp] up [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Getting this ingredient off the drawing boards and into bricks and mortar — not to mention details such as Donald Duck doorknobs — was indeed the stuff of dreams for Stern , who has always stood up for emotional content : ‘ In my view , whether you are engaged in a theme park , a hospital , or a court house , the building should elicit some excitement . ’
2 ‘ In the Half Moon , the day before yesterday , the man who seemed so fed up about our having this cottage was called ‘ My lord — Mr Smith ’ .
3 Around the Old Executive Office Building , where the NSC staff had their offices , North was remembered as a man who seemed always caught up in some dark drama : leaving for the airport , constantly being paged in meetings , ‘ looking like a ghost ’ in the corridor .
4 It must have been legal , ’ said the Archdeacon , who had just caught up with the conversation .
5 He wondered how many people in all the mental hospitals in the country — or the world " , — come to that — were really fallen Warriors who had either cracked up from the strain of trying to live in this hell-hole , or simply made the wrong choice and thought that the test was just seeing through the whole thing and then having the courage to stand out and make that challenge .
6 He was an unhappy personality , who had obviously grown up in the shadow of his father and had decided that the assumption of a totally aggressive demeanour was the only way of maintaining a personality of his own that would be distinct from that of his famous , indeed most famous — parent .
7 Leapor also satirizes the intellectual pretensions of a figure in Crumble Hall who can tentatively be identified as the young William Henry Chauncy who had recently gone up to Oxford :
8 Knighthoods go to the class acts , the Andrew Lloyd Webbers of this world , as well as the dull but self-important people who have merely turned up at their desks in Whitehall for enough years .
9 It 's great fun , very enjoyable , but for a young women who 's perhaps come up from a convent or an all girls ' school and who feels very uncomfortable with this person because he 's thirty years older and has power over here , it 's not perceived in the same way .
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