Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [verb] [be] on [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Beyond the fringe Nicky Mason , who has been on the fringes of England 's best men 's team for 30 years , showed during England 's outstanding 5-1 victory that he can still …
2 Consultant anaesthetist Dr Mike Jordan , who has been on the planning team for nine years , adds : ‘ It would be crazy for it not to be used .
3 A shadow fell across my sunny table and I looked up to find Kenneth who 'd been on a recce of the hospital , so after a lunch of ribs , skins , wings and blueberry pie , he was able to lead me through the appropriate doors of the vast , multi-entranced building .
4 A family who 've been on a council waiting list for four years have finally been offered a house which has been wrecked by vandals .
5 who 've been on the watch since 1941
6 She had no travellers ' tales , no air of a person who had been on a journey , and I knew she would be both disbelieving and resentful if I should try to describe the eternal vistas I had glimpsed .
7 A four week challenge was performed on 20 children who had been on a gluten free diet for mean ( SD ) 14 ( 3 ) months .
8 Another incident in the same Shop involved a man who had been on a Government course on turning .
9 He was finding it difficult to extract even the names of the people who had been on the dahabeeyah .
10 ‘ A couple of years ago the kids who had been on the trip from Bawnmore just turned up at the self-help group premises and wanted to see the friends they had made on the holiday again , ’ Adree said .
11 ‘ I ask you then , who had been on the beach ?
12 Then the officer who had been on the bed with Katya drew his pistol and shot the old man dead .
13 Mahmoud had traced the girls who had been on the Prince 's dahabeeyah and wanted Owen 's help in interviewing them .
14 His real name was Thomas Massenga , once Ngune 's right-hand man , who had been on the run since Jamel Mobuto came to power .
15 There , at the bar , he had been introduced to one of the heads of M.I.9 who , when he heard that Eric wanted to get back to Italy and could speak more Italian than most people who had been on the run , immediately offered to make him a member of the Allied Screening Commission .
16 Udo Proksch , a key figure in the Lucona insurance affair [ see p. 36404 ] who had been on the run since 1988 , was detained at Vienna airport on Oct. 2 , 1989 .
17 But when I got there I found I was in with kids who 'd been nicked for stealing or who 'd been on drugs or alcohol or glue , and girls who had been on the streets at 13 .
18 She wondered about the other men who had been on the plane , and what theirs felt like .
19 Along the riverside , hay would have been cropped several times through the summer , and then , at the end of the summer , the animals who had been on the fallow would be turned on to both the meadowland and the stubble of the arable before coming into the paddocks by the village over the winter , to be stall-fed on the hay cut from the meadow .
20 There were ladies in expensive dresses , and people who had been on the train on ‘ red-petticoat day ’ .
21 Well quite obviously if you are going to curtail something like that , some of those who had been on the police authorities will now find that they are not on the police authority and therefore that causes understandable anxiety and therefore rumpus .
22 ‘ At my local bookshop , called Ex Libris , in the Shambles at Bradford on Avon , ’ Kington writes , ‘ the man who looks after it once confided to me that his favourite browsing book when no customers were around was Desert Island Lists , which contained the records and books and luxuries chosen by everyone who had been on the programme in the Roy Plomley era .
23 But the partisan warfare went on : Walter Long and his PPS , Sir William Bull ( who had been on the Conference himself ) , reacted angrily to complaints from the agents and suggested that the professional organizers wanted to keep the system as complicated as possible so that they could keep their pay and privileges .
24 Indeed , many Englishmen , even those who had been on the side of parliament during the Civil War , like Richard Baxter , had never wanted to abolish the monarchy altogether .
25 Gemayel had been in the pay of the CIA like King Hussein of Jordan who had been on the CIA 's payroll for 20 years .
26 Yet how could one possibly become acquainted with his wife , Marie , a woman who had been on the stage and who , it was known , had lived with him in adultery while waiting to be divorced !
27 Okay Now as those of you who have been on a course will know er on a training course one thing I particularly ask you and we all do is to be open minded .
28 In conclusion , I feel that the basic things which happen to the boys on the island would apply to girls also but would come about in a way both more slow and less physically violent , yet I have an idea that the scars left on the minds of girls who have been on an island together in Lord of the Flies circumstances may well be deeper and longer-lasting than those of boys in the same situation .
29 As will be seen in the section on training , 95% of those who have been on an ATB course saw ‘ less time and effort ’ as one of the main benefits to themselves .
30 There are now almost 50,000 people in the region who have been on the dole for more than a year .
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