Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [verb] [conj] we [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 " There are those who say that we can turn away from the world , that we have no special role , no special place .
2 There are some who say that we should involve peacekeeping forces right away .
3 Morally , that is a vastly superior case to the one produced by the Government — and , alas , supported to some degree by the Opposition Front Bench — who say that we should fritter our resources so massively on something that we could never use .
4 There are a great many who imagine that we can get Labour to take the shilling for us as it were and to fight simply for our old aims as an adjunct to our Party .
5 I find it a little difficult to take that kind of question from an hon. Gentleman who said that we ought to eat New Zealand apples and refuse to eat British sausages .
6 I was particularly taken by a good phrase used by the hon. Member for Hartlepool , who suggested that we should stop using the word ’ joyriding ’ — none of us in the House does so any longer , except in unspoken inverted commas .
7 And if something else really was slipped aboard at the last moment , he thought , who knows but we may recover that , too !
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