Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [verb] [adv] [num] [unc] [no cls] " in BNC.

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1 There was anger among teachers — some of whom receive only 0.55 per cent initially — as well as nurses and other hospital workers , but the message from the military , who have done relatively well in previous pay reviews compared to other public sector workers , was that there was little point in grumbling .
2 Mobility for women who make up 45 per cent of the labour force involves little choice once they reach the 25–30 age group when they are expected to take temporary retirement into marriage .
3 The US congressional committee was reluctant to accept the bill in its original form , arguing against Guam 's proposed power of veto over federal laws and regulations , and questioning the controversial proposal to limit the right of self-determination to the indigenous Chamorros , who make up 45 per cent of the island 's population .
4 Drought in the 1970s and again in 1983 brought four-wheel-drive Toyotas emblazoned with aid-agency logos but aid failed to alleviate the chronic poverty faced by the peasants who make up 90 per cent of the population .
5 In a referendum held on Sept. 8 in Macedonia 75 per cent of the registered electorate of 1,400,000 went to the polls ; they were boycotted by many of the Albanians who made up 25 per cent of the republic 's population .
6 " It 's true to say that there was a great deal of discontent in Russia during the reign of Nicholas II , indeed there were things wrong with Russian society that needed reforming badly , whilst the ruling class lived in unabashed luxury the peasants who made up 90 per cent of the population had to be contend with lack of food and primitive living conditions added to this was was a completely ineffective educational system which meant that illiteracy was widespread , thus problems were on a large scale in Russia social reforms were desperately needed , as were political reforms since Russia as an autocratic country suppressed any means of political liberation . "
7 Firstly , there were the rich , who owned farms and employed labour in both agriculture and the home and who made up 20 per cent of the population .
8 In their enthusiastic welcome for the referendum result , Lithuanian leaders pointed out that many ethnic Poles and Russians ( who made up 20 per cent of Lithuania 's population ) must have voted for independence , contradicting Soviet allegations that Lithuania 's minorities felt persecuted and needed to be defended by Soviet troops .
9 He revealed that although this appeared to be an instance favouring a pluralist conception of law-making , i.e. law representing a compromise between the interests of numerous groups , it was in fact a law which basically reflected the interests of the coal industry and those dependent upon it — manufacturers of heavy equipment and the electric utilities , who consume nearly 80 per cent of domestically mined coal .
10 Labour 's rather narrow parliamentary majority in 1964 was chiefly an effect of a slump in Tory support and continuing electoral revival of the Liberals ( who received over 10 per cent of the vote for the first time since the war ) .
11 Milongo , who received only 10.18 per cent of the vote , was reported to have petitioned the Supreme Court on Aug. 11 to have the result of the first round annulled because of irregularities .
12 No parties representing the Albanian population concentrated in the province of Kosovo had been allowed to participate in the election , prompting an overwhelming boycott by Albanians , who constituted over 85 per cent of voters in Kosovo .
13 Many of the CDU votes went instead to the ultra right-wing Republicans who polled over seven per cent in the bigger cities with problems of unemployment , the housing shortage and a high percentage of foreign immigrants .
14 She slammed internal bickering and said the Greens , who polled just 0.5 per cent in April 's general election , have become a ‘ liability ’ for the environmental cause .
15 The South Dakota election resulted in a victory for Kerrey who polled around 40 per cent of the vote .
16 He said no bread would be baked this Sunday in the first of a series of one-day strikes if the 9,000 workers who produce nearly 80 per cent of loaves throw out the deal .
17 First , because ( as the social surveys which become available from the late 1880s make clear ) the poor workers — who formed almost 40 per cent of the London working class — hardly enjoyed the ‘ barest decencies of existence ’ , even by the austere standards then applied to the lower orders .
18 ‘ He would be the most significant independent candidate since Theodore Roosevelt ran in 1912 , ’ says John Anderson , the last heavy-hitting wild-card candidate , who took nearly 7 per cent of the vote in 1980 .
19 However , under English law , a bidder who acquires over 50 per cent of a company 's voting rights will be able to remove its directors and hence control the board ( CA 1985 , s303 ) .
20 A bidder who acquires over 50 per cent of a company 's voting rights will be able to control the composition of its board of directors and hence the management of the company .
21 Much more significant in this respect were hold-ers of £1,000 to £5,000 , who held respectively 42 per cent , 47.5 per cent , 25.8 per cent and 35.4 per cent of accounts in proportions of 50 , 42.8 , 41.8 and 43.3 per cent of stock .
22 Mr Livsey faces challenges from both the Conservatives , who could take the seat on a swing of less than one per cent , and Labour who need only 2.8 per cent .
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