Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [verb] [adv] [vb pp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The terms and conditions also address such grey areas such as what happens if the buyer has possession of a work , but has not completely paid for it when it is stolen ( the liability is the buyer 's ) , and the duty of such a buyer who has partially paid for a work , to store the work separately from his own goods , not to export it , to retain the seller 's identifying marks , and to allow the seller or his agent access to the work .
2 Rod Stewart could liven up EastEnders , Princess Margaret ( who has already appeared in The Archers ) could add some class to Eldorado and Kenneth Branagh could make Ken Barlow feel inferior in Coronation Street .
3 There had been gossip about Bates and Suzannah , who has also written in The Guardian and Chelsea match programmes .
4 Still hammering away , the Institute has the satisfaction of knowing that it has at last brought home to the Ministry of Health , within whose purview this question comes , that things are not what they ought to be , and Dr Eichholz , who has just retired from the Chief Inspectorate of Special Schools , is at its request making a special enquiry .
5 Suppose for example that I am a smoker who has just heard about the dangers of lung cancer .
6 He looked like a man who has just stepped into an empty lift-shaft .
7 Though no more than five feet and seven inches in height , he was strongly built , with the air of one who has just emerged from the gymnasium or the boxing booth .
8 I do not normally give way to someone who has just ambled into the Chamber , but I shall make an exception on this occasion , because I rather like the hon. Gentleman 's florid looks .
9 This seems to be the view of Lord Donaldson , that truly sagacious Master of the Rolls , who has just called for a new corps of paralegal ‘ civil justices ’ to get people like me off the hook .
10 She is not smiling like a university lecturer who has just got off the train from Oxford , but like a peasant woman who has just arrived in a hard-class compartment from Saratov .
11 He looks not like a peasant from Saratov , but a Civil Servant Grade 5 who has just got off the train from Greenwich .
12 On social policies , our record has been appalling : on that , I agree strongly with the points made by my right hon. Friend the Leader of the Opposition and by my right hon. Friend the Member for Birmingham , Small Heath ( Mr. Howell ) , who has just come into the Chamber , who strongly criticised the Government 's record on social policies .
13 I am very conscious of what I would not be putting forward but I would include Rachel Whiteread for her contribution to Documenta : I 'm watching Anya Gallachio who has just shown at the ICA , and I would include Angela Bulloch who has been understood abroad more than here .
14 That should guarantee Annadale maximum points in the 1,500 metres , as Lough , who has just returned from a training stint with the GB squad in New Mexico , clocked 3.40.2 … a personal best … at Loughborough on Wednesday night .
15 Walker , who has just returned from a two-week fact finding mission , is now preparing a detailed report for the Latvian authorities .
16 She is not smiling like a university lecturer who has just got off the train from Oxford , but like a peasant woman who has just arrived in a hard-class compartment from Saratov .
17 The same is so of fellow Test winger , Paul Carozza , who has n't played since the defeat by Swansea in the tour opener .
18 The raiders fled empty-handed and Iris — who has n't competed in a race for 57 years — chased after them for more than half a mile .
19 Erm your worships as far as the personal circumstances are concerned she is fifty nine years old , she has n't worked for the last three years she 's in receipt of invalidity benefit similarly her husband who has n't worked for the last ten or eleven years er , is on invalidity benefit .
20 Kendall can not rely on the likes of Barry Horne , who has not scored since the first day of the season , and youngster Billy Kenny to ease the burden on his goal-shy strikers .
21 Nobody who has not lived in a dungeon could understand how absolute the silence down here is .
22 Griffiths , who has not played for a month because of a rib injury , watched Cardiff overwhelm London Welsh on Saturday and is expected to train with the club next week .
23 It is , for example , rare , though not unknown , to find the holder of an important kadilik who has not taught at the Sahn ; and it is likewise extremely unusual , though again not unheard of , to find a kazasker who has not held an important kadilik .
24 If the amendment is seconded by another person who has not spoken on the original motion , the Chairman must accept it as a new motion , subject to the provisos that the amendment is not a simple negative of the motion ; is relevant ; does not cover ground that has been dealt with under a previous amendment ; and is not frivolous nor illegal .
25 When the number of members on the committee is small , it may be difficult to abide by the proviso that the amendment must be seconded by someone who has not spoken on the original motion , and in that case common sense prevails .
26 The leading Spanish master , who has not shown in a commercial gallery in London since 1965 , was the subject of a study at the Hayward Gallery in 1990 .
27 Does the Minister understand that the arrogance and insensitivity of his hon. Friend , who has not agreed to a meeting for about four months now , has been noted not just by Mr. Johnston but by every farmer in the north-east of Scotland ?
28 The communicator who has not interacted with the material and is merely passing on what he or she has read or been told functions as a tertiary source .
29 Either circumstance can have a lasting effect upon self-view and relationships , while the youngster who has not come through the " mourning " phase adequately may act in later life exactly as though a " new " parent were sought .
30 In June , we have a session by one of our own qualified teachers , Ilana Machover , who has since trained in the Alexander Technique .
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