Example sentences of "that [pron] wanted [pron] " in BNC.

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1 That 's how I felt all the time ; this constant feeling that no-one wanted me to be there , no-one gave a f— about me .
2 She looked so pornographic in her gimmicks that I wanted her to take them off again , or better , much better , push bits of them aside .
3 A number of myths have grown up about David 's relationship with me — one of them being that I wanted him to be another Tommy Steele or another cabaret star , but this was not true .
4 I was half asleep against his shoulder and then … suddenly I realized that I wanted him to kiss me .
5 ‘ Not that I wanted them to go , ’ she said .
6 I could n't even pretend that I wanted them !
7 ‘ When , some time later , he and I discussed who might take over the responsibility for producing it I rejected the traditional drama types , who did the children 's serials , and said that I wanted somebody , full of vinegar , who 'd be prepared to break rules in doing the show .
8 Now I felt that I wanted nothing else in the world but to be allowed to read this dismal grammar all winter .
9 ‘ I decided there and then that I wanted nothing more to do with him , ’ she says .
10 ‘ I remember telling you that I wanted nothing more to do with you ! ’ she snapped .
11 It seemed to me then that I wanted everything , a whole new world , but could define no part of it .
12 I made it clear that I wanted our discussion that morning to focus on business matters , but I realised that she had a need to talk to someone , preferably someone discreet .
13 When I was in Moscow , my grandmother was with me and everything that I wanted she was doing for me and I was a little girl who had everything .
14 ‘ I think I said to you earlier — I did , did n't I — sometimes I forget what I 've said — that I wanted you to look after her . ’
15 When you struck me last night I — I felt only that I wanted you .
16 Not that I wanted you to be my lover .
17 ‘ I 'm not afraid to admit that I wanted you last night , more than I 've wanted any woman for a long time . ’
18 ‘ The truth is that I fought what I felt for you for as long as I could , and even after we made love I told myself that I wanted you , desperately , but that you meant nothing more to me than an object of desire . ’
19 ‘ I told you in my letter last week that I wanted you to arrange for me to meet him .
20 I struggled with the whole thing the night before Christmas and the whole of Christmas Day , and finally I realised then that I wanted you just as you were .
21 ‘ If I said to you , ’ replies Anya wearily , ‘ that I wanted you to stop what you were doing , stop everything , and drive miles and miles , into the back of beyond , just to be with me , you 'd have told me to piss off . ’
22 I gave him a draft of the first chapter and explained that I wanted it to be the sort of book that would sell in airport book stalls .
23 I missed the joy of knowing , in the back of my mind , that someone wanted me , that sometimes , when we could manage it , I could escape from the world of work , washing and worrying into a place of pure pleasure .
24 ‘ I wonder what was in the briefcase that someone wanted it so badly ? ’ he said aloud .
25 Encouraging me to follow in this way perhaps , but moving too fast for me to believe that she wanted me to do that , she entered a revolving door of dark polished wood , mahogany and glass , and started to go round and round , looking out at me as she turned .
26 B H did , she used to say school run Tuesday evening , do n't make any fun , she used to block it out , the time that she wanted me to see me .
27 She hardly liked to admit that she wanted one herself
28 In the same speech she said that she wanted her government to be remembered as one ‘ which decisively broke with a debilitating consensus of a paternalistic Government and a dependent people ; which rejected the notion that the State is all powerful and the citizen is merely its beneficiary ; which shattered the illusion that Government could somehow substitute for individual performance ’ .
29 Margaret , already a mother of eight , decided that she wanted her ninth baby to be born at home .
30 Not that she wanted them , the flighty painted girls in the street .
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