Example sentences of "that [pron] [is] indeed " in BNC.

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1 John MacGregor , Minister of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food I have no doubt that there is indeed a serious public health problem associated with salmonella enteridis phase 4 in eggs in this country .
2 Officials expect them to show that there is indeed an obstacle at middle-management level .
3 Furthermore , Hoyle suggests that there is indeed a tension between the two approaches — that restricted professionality is unlikely in practice to be capable of extension or , put another way , that extended professionality can only be achieved at the cost of effective , restricted professionality at the classroom level .
4 There seems little doubt that recruitment is now more imaginative , and the data in Chapter 2 showed that there is indeed some change in the volunteer body , yet there are still clear patterns that appear difficult to shift .
5 In our case , they enable us to claim that there is indeed a pedagogy of language teaching and a profession which practises it .
6 As markers , we would be happy enough to see you argue either way as long as you recognized that there is indeed room for argument over this point .
7 Experiments assessing the difference between the sleep achieved on successive nights in the laboratory have shown that there is indeed some evidence of difficulty in getting to sleep on the first night .
8 Will he accept that there is indeed an acute shortage of intensive care beds for children ?
9 From Figures 7.2 and 7.3 it is clear that there is indeed more risk-related information at the high risk junctions and this is more marked for the high risk exemplars than the low risk ones .
10 Rather , he was arguing that there is indeed a ‘ biotic ’ level to human behaviour , one constituted by instincts of survival and competition .
11 I now present three arguments to persuade you that it is indeed correct .
12 Switching the GR-1 on , the first thing you see is the LED telling you that it is indeed a Roland Guitar Synth .
13 Even if teachers were given the time and opportunity to develop their professional lives in the ways they felt most suitable , the questions and dilemmas that face them are so many and so deep that it is indeed a daunting task .
14 What is far more important , however , is that the TCCB should make sure that it is indeed a national league by selling rights to the BBC , so that everyone can feel part of the competition .
15 Metaphor and symbolism are intrinsic to both , and it seems only reasonable to attempt to treat dreaming as normal and creative unless good evidence emerges that it is indeed pathological .
16 By recording body temperatures throughout the day of groups of well-adjusted shiftworkers , intolerant shiftworkers , and day-workers who had given up shiftwork because they could not tolerate it , Reinberg has demonstrated that it is indeed the best-adjusted group whose circadian rhythm was most immutable .
17 It needs particularly to be kept in mind , with the objection now to be considered , that it is indeed advanced as an objection to a given analysis of our causal beliefs , and hence is itself a proposal as to those beliefs .
18 We might find that it is indeed the case that the use of ‘ But ’ at the beginning of a paragraph as described by van Dijk ( 1977 : 139 ) , is a very general marker of topic change .
19 Retributivism thus fits in well with our commonsense intuitions which insist that it is indeed morally relevant whether the person punished has behaved well , badly or very badly in the past .
20 He might concede that it is indeed absurd to pretend that in asserting an existential proposition we are in effect talking about all the things in the world .
21 The Royal Society of Portrait Painters reports a threefold increase in commissions in the past three years alone and artists themselves testify that it is indeed a seller 's market .
22 Only as the Holy Spirit takes the ‘ foolish ’ message of the gospel home to people 's hearts , and convinces them of its truth ; that it is indeed ‘ the wisdom of God to every one who believes ’ ( 1 Cor. 1 : 18ff ) .
23 The Code recognizes itself as having the support of s. 66 and it would be expected that it is indeed ‘ generally recognized ’ .
24 The other hole indicates to the disk drive hardware that it is indeed a HD floppy .
25 However , the other consequence of it is it promotes their reproductive success and you can erm you can see that it is indeed an effect of testosterone if you castrated live longer than uncastrated males , and the earlier they 're castrated , the longer they live .
26 Examination of long stretches of numerical data , together with other methods of analysis , have shown that it is indeed varying chaotically ; that is to say , no matter how long the fluctuations continue , one will never find repetition of the detailed pattern .
27 The presupposition here ( that it is indeed SF ) merely makes explicit what is implied in including this passage in a questionnaire on SF .
28 Empirical evidence on aggregate investment tends to confirm that it is indeed inversely related to the rate of interest , but most evidence suggests that the relationship is a fairly weak one — for example , M. Evans estimated ( for United States data ) that a 25 per cent fall in interest rates would cause net investment to rise by 5–10 per cent over a two-year period after a one-year lag .
29 They believe that it is possible for man , and that it is indeed his highest intellectual and emotional task , to survey his own being , to call into the forefront of his mind every attitude and habit of mind , of emotion , of passion and feeling , to penetrate down beneath these superficial layers , to deeper and deeper and ever more tranquil , untroubled generalized forms of the self , until eventually you come within sight of some inner absolutely undisturbed pool which every person has within himself , and which if he finds it removes him finally from the distracting passions of ordinary life , and with this rider , that in proportion as you get there and find this thing , this true self within yourself , you find that it is n't just something subjective and peculiar to you , it is something identical with the world , so that in solving your own problems in one sense , you do it by transcending your ordinary nature .
30 Only half convinced of the truth of my new thesis , and not wholly sure of where exactly I am , I can nevertheless recognize with some satisfaction that perhaps the most disconcerting thing a character in a novel can do is to announce that he is indeed a character in a novel .
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