Example sentences of "that [pron] [modal v] probably " in BNC.

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61 or they 're so serious about it that they 'll probably be watching everything , you know , just to sort of make sure that they know everything about
62 So I said erm if we say increase to five pounds now , they do n't have to , but it means that they 'll probably have a significant unit holding , you know , to compensate them .
63 And they are something that they could probably do something about .
64 Many will have learned that the kind of job that they will probably have to do for most of their working life will be semi-skilled , routine , undemanding , and tedious .
65 Telling someone about the decision to take the test will mean that they will probably ask about the result .
66 My sympathy lies squarely with those who refused to be part of the South African sham in order to remain eligible to play at the highest level , but who now find that they will probably lose that chance .
67 They pick a year in the future when they know that there will have been a general election and that they will probably not be in the same job as when they gave the commitment .
68 The UK Prime Minister , Margaret Thatcher , described the ruling as " grossly offensive and totally unjustified " and claimed that " such a judgment will encourage terrorists to the view that they will probably find a safe haven in Ireland " .
69 Neutrinos are hard to detect : they interact so little with matter that they can probably float through entire galaxies without being affected ; they exist but have no mass nor any other physical property , which is like saying that they simultaneously exist and do not exist .
70 Peter Carter-Ruck , a leading libel lawyer , said : ‘ All you can say is that it would probably still be held to be defamatory to call someone homosexual today when they 're not .
71 ‘ I can drag you or I can carry you — except that it would probably kill me . ’
72 We were greeted by unnaturally cheerful ranger , who told us that there were 56 people on the list ahead of us so we did n't stand a chance and that it would probably rain anyway .
73 Hewlett-Packard comments that its current HP-UX 9.0.3 implementation already incorporates multithreading technology from Unix System V.3.2 , although that 's not a full multiprocessing version — like Unix System V.4 MP — that it would probably require .
74 HP says its current HP-UX 9.0.3 implementation already incorporates multithreading technology from Unix V.3.2 , although that 's not a full multiprocessing versions — like Unix SVR4 MP — that it would probably require .
75 It had been pulling the small cart through backstreets for years now and seemed to know instinctively that it would probably be required to stop at any moment , so there was no point in hurrying .
76 and hinted that it would probably be a good idea if the Rector of St. Mary 's , the Vicar of St. Peter 's , and Mr. John Meridyth ( another Grammar School Visitor from the 1850s ) , who were considered to be at the root of the trouble , were not appointed Trustees .
77 She knew , however , that getting herself into trouble as well would n't help them ; going by the sounds of fighting outside , she knew that it would probably be almost suicidal to risk going out tonight .
78 Glumly we returned to Wick on one engine knowing that it would probably be a pay off job in the middle of our tour .
79 Her mother had stated then that it would probably not be necessary to move again , but she had always shied off from friendships — so many of them had been lost before .
80 Faced with the difficulties of tracing theses , borrowing them , and then extracting the relevant data from them , it is perhaps surprising that the views expressed by one interviewee , that it would probably be cheaper to find a new student and to repeat the research , are not more widely held .
81 Alf opined that it would probably be a choice between fish cakes and cheese pie .
82 Home Office pathologist Dr Donald Wayte , of Bangor , told the court yesterday that it would probably have been impossible to get so much material into Mrs McMullen 's mouth if she had been conscious , as she would have been fighting for her life .
83 and this is why military strategies have always said we were gon na get we could hold them for a year , two years maybe three , but in the preventional warfare we would start loosing and military strategy have always said along that it would probably be somebody like France or us that would first use the nuclear weapon
84 He believes there must be a conference , and that it should probably include the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council .
85 The company realises that it will probably have to pitch the offer at or near 10 per cent .
86 I suspect , though , that the 25SE 's appearance is going to grow on us , and that it will probably also form the basis for further new combos from Fender .
87 It is so easy to guide the saw freehand that it will probably end up in the bottom drawer of many a tool box .
88 The company told Reuter that it will probably set up a new company employing NeXT technicians to develop high-speed workstations .
89 The company told Reuter that it will probably set up a new company employing NeXT technicians to develop high-speed workstations .
90 The Cross is descending in the south-west , followed by the Pointers ; Canopus is so low that it will probably not be seen , and from parts of Australia and South Africa it actually sets .
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