Example sentences of "that [verb] been developed " in BNC.

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1 Those that remain have made a personal investment in time and energy ; they have a stake in maintaining the system that has been developed and replacements will need to make their mark and have freedom to develop new ideas , from this a sense of identity , ownership and commitment will develop .
2 One particularly important technique that has been developed in recent years is the inverse scattering method of Belinskii and Zakharov ( 1978 , 1979 ) which had previously been developed as a soliton technique .
3 Another solution-generating technique that has been developed in recent years is that associated with Bäcklund transformations .
4 Bass Point , one that has been developed , boasts a group of fine wall climbs of which The Cull ( E3 5b/c ) in particular should be noted .
5 Essentially , we deal with the recent historical context ( development ) , the common configuration of the systems ( components ) , the software that has been developed for specific uses ( tools ) and the outcome of using these tools ( applications and implications ) .
6 This note challenges this particular thesis that has been developed most clearly in the writings of Peter Townsend , Alan Walker , and Chris Phillipson , and suggests that concentration on the concept of structured dependency has deflected attention away from more progressive and optimistic views of the economic social status of the elderly in modern Britain .
7 Will the success that has been developed in these areas be supported or impeded by the 1988 Education Reform Act ?
8 To devise policies that directly lead to more positive and imaginative approaches , I am proposing that schools need to focus on two particular strands of educational research : first , the research that has been developed in relation to ‘ effective schools ’ , and second , the principles that underpin ‘ The Whole-School Approach to Special Educational Needs ’ .
9 There is no standardized definition of child abuse that has been developed by researchers and accepted by welfare professionals .
10 Although there is no such thing as a ‘ correct ’ sentence , there is a notional scale of penalties known as the tariff , which is based on the ‘ normal range ’ that has been developed by courts in the past , under the guidance of the Court of Appeal .
11 The lexicon that has been developed is based on the vocabulary of a learners dictionary ( the OALDCE ) and supplemented by words from the LOB corpus .
12 The point of departure is the general valuation model that has been developed out of discounted cash flow ( DCF ) techniques .
13 As an example take the case of a new product that has been developed and is ready for launch .
14 As an example take the case of a new product that has been developed and is ready for launch .
15 It is whether we are prepared to destroy the tripartite system that has been developed in this country since the passing of the Municipal Corporations Act of eighteen thirty five and the Local Government Act of eighteen eighty eight , for make no mistake about it Clause two of this Bill effectively destroys the careful balance that has been developed over more than a century between chief officers , local police authorities and the Home Secretary .
16 It is whether we are prepared to destroy the tripartite system that has been developed in this country since the passing of the Municipal Corporations Act of eighteen thirty five and the Local Government Act of eighteen eighty eight , for make no mistake about it Clause two of this Bill effectively destroys the careful balance that has been developed over more than a century between chief officers , local police authorities and the Home Secretary .
17 Margetts is sure that the scientific and technological synergy that has been developed is real and extremely valuable .
18 The two weeks of training on the Soltau-Luneberg Training Area had given the Royal Scots the opportunity to test to the full those operating procedures and ideas that had been developed since the conversion to Warrior had started in the new year .
19 The most infuriating charge was that the health service was different from business and therefore did not need the benefit of the techniques that had been developed in business and industry .
20 The 3 expert systems that had been developed were made available to the shop floor , where an 11-month trial was carried out to compare the efficiency of diagnosticians working with and without the expert system aid .
21 Many of the shapes that had been developed in the Early Minoan nevertheless continued in use , especially the one-handled cup and the jar with a short spout on its shoulder , bridged by the rim .
22 It was argued that , using the right data-collection techniques , it should be possible to assemble information about the social world that is free of bias , and that could be analysed using the statistical techniques that had been developed .
23 Against Sartre 's claim to establish Marxism 's truth philosophically , Althusser reasoned that if Marxism is a science , then the history of Marxism ought to conform to the kind of history that had been developed for the sciences .
24 Secondly , in order to maximize the use of scarce capital resources , industries were selected that could utilize the backlog of technological change that had been developed in the Western economies .
25 Our recruitment fell disastrously in 1976 with the consequence that a College decision was made to close the department and to phase out the courses that had been developed .
26 Although techniques assumed a more significant role , as indicated by these publications and by major sections in textbooks ( e.g. Gregory and Walling , 1973 ) , specific laboratory and field techniques courses were not quickly adopted in teaching physical geography in all departments although a self-paced course was one that had been developed ( Clark and Gregory , 1982 ) .
27 Each one was a perfect example of the art that had been developed there .
28 By unmasking the circularity of physiological explanations of perception that have been developed within the framework of the idea of the ‘ impingement ’ , I shall show that the a priori principle is upheld .
29 Featuring new and experimental piece by OYT members and other artists , an entertaining mixture of new talent and fresh pieces that have been developed during the spring season .
30 Since they involve the same Ernst equation , it is clear that all the solution generating techniques that have been developed for stationary axisymmetric space-times in recent years can also be applied to colliding plane wave situations .
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