Example sentences of "not understand why the " in BNC.

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1 Mr Kinnock said : ‘ You appear to be the only person left in the country who does not understand why the Chancellor resigned .
2 I realized I would get no help from the Treasury and , indeed , I suspected that they could not understand why the department was wasting its time on this issue at all .
3 He was completely dumbfounded by the whole incident and could not understand why the rocks had fallen on his cottage .
4 I could not understand why the door had been locked .
5 Jorg Sambetn , a Givaudan engineer who investigated the accident after it happened , says it should only have taken 15 minutes , and can not understand why the workers omitted it .
6 Team manager John Louis said last night , ‘ Miroslaw has all the status of a world star and I can not understand why the request was refused .
7 Now I have explained all I can , you will realise that we really do not understand why the neocortex is , as Herrick called it , the organ of civilisation .
8 When I visited the School of Mathematics , I could not understand why the students looked so unhappy .
9 Tess could not see his face , and could not understand why the head-dairyman himself should call him sir .
10 Tess did not tell Marian everything , so Marian could not understand why the couple were apart .
11 Moreover , we can not understand why the 10% contribution estimated to have been made from this source to total aggregates provision in the past was added to , rather than subtracted from , projected future demand ( PIP 2.7 ) .
12 Moreover , we can not understand why the 10% contribution estimated to have been made from this source to total aggregates provision in the past was added to , rather than subtracted from , projected future demand ( PIP 2.7 ) .
13 I was about to say that , looking back at his record , I could not understand why the Home Secretary wanted to relive his time as Conservative party chairman , because that was hardly his finest hour .
14 I can not understand why the hon. and learned Gentleman says that it is not so .
15 Or perhaps he could not understand why the boy , though pinned like the serpent in Saint Patrick 's cleft stick with no chance of escape , grew more and more cheerful each day .
16 In a faint and rasping voice , at times straining to make himself heard , Mr McTear told reporters that he could not understand why the Government had permitted cigarettes to be sold .
17 Merely by shutting his door if it was open , North would add to the intrigue of meetings : ‘ and when the meeting was over , I still could n't understand why the door was shut and what the intrigue was ’ said a visiting official , puzzled ; ‘ it was in my mind 's eye a social call . ’
18 When the price of such attractive styling on so usable a 5-string is this low , I ca n't understand why the whole country is n't playing them …
19 Of the current pop stuff , I ca n't understand why the formula PWL tracks exist at all .
20 ‘ I could n't understand why the kidnappers should wear old uniforms , old clothes and costumes from the past , ’ Myeloski had said .
21 He said , ‘ Annabel does n't understand why the trustees originally allowed her large sums of money but are now refusing relatively small sums . ’
22 And I ca n't understand why the police do n't shift these vehicles .
23 ‘ Harry , I do n't understand why the girl was making those funny grunting noises in the restaurant .
24 ‘ I do n't want to labour the point , ’ he said softly , ‘ but I still do n't understand why the secrecy .
25 ‘ I still do n't understand why the Milettis did n't try and stop-you handling the investigation in the first place if they feel so strongly about you . ’
26 But his thoughts were elsewhere , as he still could n't understand why the Academy would send anyone down to this class D planet .
27 She could n't understand why the woman 's husband had brought her on to this hazardous planet .
28 I mean I do n't understand why the church or the so called church or whatever you like to call it .
29 I did n't understand why the goal did n't stand .
30 He says he ca n't understand why the council should , on the one hand , put so much money into the college , and on the other hand virtualy sign it 's death warrant .
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