Example sentences of "not go [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Then , at a certain moment , I just could not go on with that any longer .
2 And if I were ill , someone else would take over , I need not go on with this .
3 But for some reason Alice would not go on with that thought .
4 He asked whose side I was on , and when I told him I was strongly opposed to Bodyline he said he thought it would be better if I did not go on with it .
5 ‘ I can not go on with that hideous old Frau .
6 From the fact that a mental process does not appear in introspection one can not infer that it does not go on at non-conscious levels of the mind .
7 ‘ If only she would not go on about Cambridge so , ’ Miss Waters regretted .
8 I will not go on about the statistics .
9 Ron said that I should not go on to the track and kill myself because I might pull a hamstring .
10 Do not go on to fill in the objectives list until you and your partner have begun negotiations on your expectations .
11 It may or may not go on to say " produced in conjunction with brand X or company Y " .
12 On it were the words : ‘ Do not go on to the moor .
13 If the play did end at this point , the real anticlerical joke would be that the Interludium does not go on to the successful trick as the audience might have expected and the clerk might have hoped .
14 A project is a project , he wrote , and once it is begun it should be carried through to the end , regardless of doubts about meaning , doubts about long runs , or doubts about anything else , unless the body screams for you to stop , of course one can not go on for long against the screaming of the body , but then that merely means one has miscalculated , it merely means one has begun too soon or too late or perhaps that the entire project was a miscalculation .
15 Describing the American feature film , The Last Temptation of Christ , to which he awarded a certificate , as a challenging religious film he said that acontroversial scene : ‘ It indicated that Christ had sex , but it did not go on for 14 minutes . ’
16 The boy , unlike the dog , knew that the mud did not go on for ever ; beyond the bridge , the disused railway embankment along which they were walking became built up , so that water ran off it .
17 At times Ludens wondered whether this state of affairs might not go on for ever , whether he might not give up his job and become Marcus 's — what ? — friend , secretary , servant , dog .
18 Arsenal , having won the Cup and two Championships in four years , could not go on for much longer with the same team , and in 1933 Chapman 's major concern was to find replacements to keep the club on top .
19 After all , in a gruelling sport like wrestling you can not go on for ever . ’
20 Intel Corp 's storming first quarter figures ( see page seven ) have not gone down well everywhere , and Hancock Institutional Equity Services analyst Eli Sayegh reckons that there is not much more to go for in the stock : he yesterday downgraded Intel to sell from hold , saying he thinks the company is near peak operating margins at just over 40% , double the historical norm ; he said the company 's margins have been driven largely by a shift from the 80386 chip to the 80486 chip ‘ and this can not go on for too long ; ’ he reckons that Advanced Micro Devices Inc will immediately take 10% of the 80486 market with its planned clone , and could take as much as 25% over time ; his damper wiped $1.75 off Intel shares at $115.75 .
21 But it could not go on for ever , both of them knew that .
22 While the church dominated governing body of King 's College , London , did not object to Lyell 's geology , it sacked the theologian F. D. Maurice for suggesting that the indescribable torture of the damned might not go on for ever .
23 To avoid boredom one activity should not go on for too long , so always have a variety of activities ready .
24 I shall not pursue the point here , but it can be developed into one of the explanations for why particular arms races stabilize and do not go on for ever — do not lead to predators pursuing their prey at Mach 2 and so on .
25 However , the only things which are spelt out are that development can not go on without them , the fact that new skills will be introduced and the fact that incomers might form a catalyst for the rejuvenation of local voluntary groups .
26 The same realization came to the King , pushed towards his precipice by Hardinge harshly telling him that he could not go on without a decision .
27 It was burning , fraying at the edges , riddled with violent cancers of nationalism , spite and greed that could not go on without a climax for much longer .
28 He neither went towards her nor withdrew and she saw it could not go on like that .
29 We can not go on like this , Dr Bissett . ’
30 Try telling bloody Downing Street ‘ we can not go on like this ’ . ’
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