Example sentences of "[ex0] were [adj] [noun] in which " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , there were four situations in which an ‘ extended ’ multi-generational family was , at least transitionally , a regular practice .
2 There were endless ways in which he could have made my activities seem a nuisance , positively damaging to our marriage , or — which would have been worst of all — merely trivial .
3 Amidst all this evidence of the effects of unlimited destructive powers unleashed , there were small pockets in which some remarkable things survived — delicate china cups , corked bottles of water , still drinkable , little packets of starch in which the granules were untouched ; even a street fountain still splashed cold drinking water in one of the ruined streets .
4 If she did , he would know at once that there were certain ways in which he could still get to her .
5 Yet in that fantastic cavalcade of monsters , freaks and angels , there were two moments in which I recognized something of myself .
6 There were two areas in which this assumption could be explored .
7 There were two ways in which the outside world might have prevented this .
8 Because , as far as Juliet could see , there were two ways in which Donna could have received her AB blood group .
9 As Table 8.6 indicates , between 1980/81 and 1987/88 there were two years in which reductions in expenditure in real terms were achieved .
10 He said that there were two situations in which the court would not enforce a clause : ( a ) if at the time of making the contract it is seen that it may in the future operate unfairly or unreasonably ; or ( b ) if after the time of making the contract it is found to operate unreasonably or unfairly even if those circumstances were not envisaged beforehand .
11 There were other ways in which the years 1938–43 can be seen as a continuum in which reforming hopes of the interwar years no longer had to be deferred .
12 Examinations aside — there were many ways in which the unlucky , rather than the unwary , could slither down .
13 There were some families in which domestic help from a widowed grandmother was really a disguised form of assistance in the other direction .
14 If only there were some way in which she could let him know that his feelings for her were not something for which he needed to apologise without landing them both in a situation from which they could not retreat .
15 The implication is perhaps that there were some parts in which it had ; that will be considered below , after we have looked at the pattern of provincial money wages .
16 People with new money spread out into the newly-built suburbs where the houses , like the cars , had got longer and lower and were dignified with the name ‘ ranch-style ’ as though there were unspoilt acres in which to roam outside , rather than the swallowing of land in highways , parkways , expressways and cloverleaf intersections to enable suburban man to reach what was once a rural neighbourhood .
17 And although the flow of mutual aid was markedly more often from the grandparent so long as the two generations were living separately , there were several cases in which visiting was explicitly intended to enable the grandchild to convey help .
18 There were several ways in which the widespread introduction of coconuts into the district interfered with cattle theft .
19 The presentation seemed to affect the error patterns more than the success rates ( Table 4.17 ) : there were several ways in which the dimensions of the box were used to obtain an answer .
20 There were several ways in which this could be done .
21 There were obvious ways in which the measurement could be stretched to the advantage of the shooter .
22 In 1796 he published an article in which he stated that there were three ways in which to approach the treatment of disease :
23 A Paisleyite rally in the Guildhall , and the DCAC rally to greet the marchers , led to serious rioting , and in the aftermath there were ugly incidents in which the police used violent and provocative tactics .
24 For the business text above there were 111 words in which the correct word was not recognised by the pattern recogniser .
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