Example sentences of "[ex0] was a [noun] in [noun] " in BNC.

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1 On March 7 there was a primary in South Carolina and Democrat caucuses in Wyoming and Arizona .
2 There was a case in Lothian last year where the health board objected to the conversion of somewhere into a 75 bed registered nursing home and they lost it on appeal .
3 Despite the extent of mortality in the first onset of the plague ( and the evidence of heriot payments on the Winchester manors shows a death-rate there of at least 50 per cent ) , wages did not increase startlingly , and until about 1370 there was a rise in rents which corresponded with that in prices ( 60 ) .
4 There was a rise in serum creatinine which reached statistical significance after two years and a trend towards a decline in iothalamate clearance in cyclosporin treated patients ( Fig 1 ) .
5 For the NIPPV group there was a rise in pH , compared with a fall in the controls ( mean difference of change between the groups 0.046 [ 95% CI 0.06–0.02 , p < 0.001 ] ) , and a larger fall in PaCO 2 ( mean difference in change between the groups 1.2 kPa [ 95% CI 0.45 to 2.03 , p < 0.01 ] ) .
6 Heavy taxation was a major factor here , as various sources ( discussed in Chapter 5 ) are at pains to stress , and Dr Gem has argued that there was a recession in church building as a result .
7 The Conservatives focused their attention more on the needs of agriculture and the church than urban landlords , but there was a strand in Party thinking which accepted the principle of State aid for housing .
8 There was a flatness in Golding 's voice , a deliberate suppression of meaning .
9 There was a heart in Roxie somewhere .
10 However , where there is no prima facie possibility of a defined person 's benefiting , the Revenue will not treat the settlor as having an ‘ interest' , unless the terms of the settlement and the circumstances of the case indicate an intention to benefit a person who is likely to become a defined person in the future , for example if there was a settlement in favour of the settlor 's fiance or child .
11 There was a shortfall in orders to carry the company into the 1990s — the famous ‘ black hole ’ — and it was vastly overmanned for the amount of work that was likely to come its way in the immediate future .
12 There was a pause in Horowitz 's peroration .
13 Within a week Little Chef was running the yard , bringing in the ponies from the fields , doing tricks for pony nuts , retrieving lost balls from the undergrowth , then running on to the field and dropping them when there was a pause in play .
14 As it happens there was a Koo in reply .
15 Everything he bore in hand was but half-achieved and for ever in the balance ; yet if at this moment there was a prince in Wales , his name was Owen , and Owen knew it .
16 From this house-painter , he learnt there were other deaf people , and that there was a society in Leeds , so he went along to see for himself .
17 Erm my attention was then brought to the fact that er there was a child in bedroom er two .
18 A general election would be held by the end of 1991 , or 120 days into 1992 if there was a delay in approval of the new constitution .
19 So there was always that tendency in our members minds you know to refer to various districts and er earlier in my submissions I did say that there was a disparity in earnings , especially between the Scotland and England er to , to something like seven percent if not even more than that in certain undertakings .
20 And I think if there was a referendum in Scotland it might turn out that many people here wanted the monarchy ended .
21 She wished there was a window in front , so she could see Midnight sitting up on the driver 's seat beside Hawkins .
22 In Scotland there was a majority in favour of devolution but it fell short of the 40 per cent of the electorate required by the statute .
23 I did n't believe there was a majority in favour of a Greater Israel , but it could have been attained over time . "
24 There was a majority in favour of its recommendations , although many were unhappy about the scale of cuts in unemployment benefits .
25 The flight was from Paris to London , but because there was a strike in London affecting BEA 's Paris to London service a large number of British nationals were transferred to the Turkish DC-10 flight .
26 There was a bazaar in Butcher Row belonging to The Arcadia Bazaar Company whilst round in Minster Street was one of the early ones owned by Marks and Spencer .
27 There was a panic in Aviva Petroleum , with a rumour about the company 's Colombian interests knocking 40 p.c. off the share price at one stage .
28 I was called to a house and there was a man in agony .
29 There was a man in England , there would be an exchange .
30 There was a man in front of them , a tall man in a long dark coat and a black hat .
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