Example sentences of "[ex0] was a [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He knew that there was a VVIP at Sandwich .
2 On March 7 there was a primary in South Carolina and Democrat caucuses in Wyoming and Arizona .
3 There was a peak of deaths , which you can see quite clearly , which occurred during this period .
4 Annie Garnett and her workers were part of an important movement in Britain and Europe when there was a resurgence of pride in the natural characteristics of arts and crafts after the Industrial Revolution .
5 Following the ablation of the major ice-sheets , there was a resurgence of valley glaciation in Harris and locally in South Uist , during which bouldery morainic drifts were deposited , principally in valleys .
6 In the late 18th and early 19th centuries , there was a resurgence of interest in all things medieval .
7 Shortly afterwards ethnic violence was also reported in the nearby city of Samarkand , across the border in Uzbekistan , and there was a resurgence of attacks against the minority Meskhetian community in the Uzbek capital , Tashkent .
8 There was a resurgence on Feb. 20-21 in and around Tashkent of Uzbek violence against the minority Meskhetian community ( anti-Meskhetian pogroms in June 1989 had claimed nearly 100 lives in Uzbekistan — see pp. 36744-45 ) .
9 The cripple turned to make off into the undergrowth and as he did so there was a twang from Marian 's bow and one of his crutches spun from under him and he was down one-sidedly .
10 And there was a skyline of snow on the moor ,
11 Then there was a spread of relief , an outbreak of joy , a contagion of exuberance .
12 There was a spread of farm buildings visible beyond the trees .
13 A large-scale map was pinned to one wall and there was a blackboard for briefings .
14 There was a glitter of hostility in the girl 's velvet-dark eyes which momentarily took Caroline 's breath away …
15 There was a glitter of frost on the patchy grass and a cold white sun high above the poplar trees beyond the boundary wall of the cemetery .
16 Every time I changed trains there was a posse of London Underground inspectors , so I had to keep doubling back on myself .
17 There was a sheet of ice out in the courtyard from a burst pipe which had carried all the garbage from the kitchen with it .
18 Yes , it 'll be worth following that up , cos that 's , that 's one of the erm , they , they 've done quite a lot of work of Amnesty and general studies in the past , there was a sheet of sort of quotes of , how good the Amnesty was , and there was one from the teacher at Birchwood or what , what 's Margaret Dane School , so erm , yes , if , if you could definitely follow that up erm John
19 Going on to the article itself which was probably a few years old , there was a part about jaundice and its treatment .
20 Of course she was aware , cognitively , that there was a life outside universities , but she knew nothing about it , nor did Charles , or her parents .
21 There was a company of ATS girls billeted in the same street . ’
22 He also felt that there was a case for district courts taking some civil work , such as small claims , which at present had to go to the sheriff courts .
23 The letter even speaks of their ‘ rights in the matter ’ , and it is perhaps surprising that the question was not asked whether there was a case for complaint to the European Court of Justice .
24 Even if there was a case for Dysart to answer , it was not relevant to Heather 's disappearance .
25 There was a case in Lothian last year where the health board objected to the conversion of somewhere into a 75 bed registered nursing home and they lost it on appeal .
26 There was a receipt for £66 for drop earrings and insurance certificates for a Pounds 600 Rolex watch and an £800 eternity ring .
27 Together with the hold over council housing , it could be said that there was a measure of guidance and control over suburban building , its location , layout and design , as never before .
28 There was a measure of agreement that Okapi was easier to learn , particularly by users with little previous experience of computers .
29 It follows the line of a Roman military road , and there was a turnpike at Tyburn , where Marble Arch now stands .
30 Each morning there was a rota of men designated to fill the coal containers for the day — buckets for the Administration offices and the Guard Room and the barracks , sacks for the huts — from the central heap of fuel beside the compound gate .
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