Example sentences of "[ex0] is [adj] [noun] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The music of the Roman Catholic Church in New Zealand is very strong , and generally in that country there is great awareness of what is happening world-wide .
2 Although our findings ( see Table 2 ) indicate that nearly two thirds of local authorities were aware of the care programme approach at the time of writing their 1992/93 community care plan , there is great variation in their interpretation of care programming and its implications for their role in the purchasing and provision of mental health services .
3 There is great potential for us to build on this foundation , a process we are just beginning . ’
4 I think of her and there is speechless upheaval in me — I feel this way when I 'm in Zurich , Frankfurt or Paris and the locals ca n't speak the lingo .
5 Certainly , I know that in very many colleges of further education there is substantial support for what the Bill seeks to do .
6 There is good reason for its common name ; the bruised foliage , whose odour has mint-like associations , induces cats to roll all over the plant , eventually ruining it , but it is said that plants grown from seed will be safe until dying down , or withering for some reason .
7 This shoaling in like sizes is established at a very early age , and there is good reason for it .
8 Even if the list for an area has been revised fairly recently , the Department of the Environment may add a building to the list if there is new evidence about its interest or if it is an obvious omission .
9 ‘ We believe there is real demand for our product in the UK .
10 Ince , like Palmer , ca n't finish and will never score goals but he does n't need to with Paul Gascoigne and David Platt , Alan Shearer and Ian Wright … so different to Old Trafford where there is terrible pressure on everyone , anyone , to get a goal .
11 ‘ You know that there is unfinished business between us , Caroline . ’
12 There is unfinished business between us , ’ he said coldly .
13 The phosphoinositide-derived signals InsP 3 and DAG are common to both pathways ( Fig. 1 ) , but there is conflicting evidence concerning their role in promoting cell proliferation .
14 there is insufficient collaboration with our industrial partners ( primarily , though not exclusively , in Europe ) .
15 But they also show that there is wide disagreement about what is considered to be an acceptable way forward .
16 Grand Slam committee administrator Bill Babcock said : ‘ None of us like the situation , but there is undue pressure on him , and we have decided to exempt him from the rule on press conferences for this match , and only this match . ’
17 The monetary committee 's report warns that any currency wishing to rejoin should do so only if there is mutual agreement on its parity .
18 UNTIL late April there is tremendous activity in your horoscope regarding your goals — both professional and personal .
19 James Burns , chairman of the region 's child care subcommittee , said yesterday : ‘ Many young men , women and children with learning difficulties want to use our shared care scheme and there is tremendous potential for it to expand .
20 ‘ If you have reached a point in the career structure where there are few other women and where you are therefore extremely visible , there is tremendous pressure on you to keep going upwards . ’
21 There is ample evidence on which to argue , following Wallis and others , that the NVALA 's campaigns should , in the first instance , be viewed as shot through with ‘ cultural fundamentalism ’ .
22 It brought home to me that even tinpot local councillors will ruthlessly exploit irrational prejudice if there is political mileage in it .
23 There is mild condensation on my kitchen walls .
24 This was inevitable as the American market based system has been in place longer than the British , but there is increasing evidence of it in Britain as well .
25 Thirty years ago , rubbing a cut clove of garlic round the salad bowl was considered daring , but now we import 4,572 tonnes of the stuff , mainly from Italy , Spain and France , and as well as its wide ranging culinary uses there is increasing interest in its medicinal powers .
26 Leaving aside the vexed question of exactly how much money the government is going to spend , there is heated argument about its approach .
27 Faced with a staggering array of products in every size , shape and shade , many cynical American and European shoppers have concluded ( correctly ) that there is scant difference between them .
28 There is minimal danger of everybody being dragged in if one person falls into a crevasse , and sophisticated rescue methods can be substituted by sheer manpower on the surface .
29 Consciousness in other people is a hypothesis for which there is circumstantial evidence in their verbal reports which match , by-and-large , our verbal reports of our own experiences .
30 Curiously enough , since by definition a stationer ‘ stays put ’ , they are variously described on their publications as the ‘ walking ’ , ‘ running ’ and even ‘ flying ’ stationers ; and there is adequate testimony to their activities and to their influence .
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