Example sentences of "not want to give [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He has sought treatment on a number of occasions and has come to the conclusion that he can not break the habit and that what he needs and wants is a maintenance regime , preferably on heroin — something that the medical profession in Wirral does not want to give him .
2 I do not want to give him everything he wants , but I must .
3 We need land at our doorstep … if Russia does not want to give it to us , she will force us to undertake an expropriation proceeding , i.e. a war , for which we have long stored up the reasons …
4 And yet , much as she enjoyed her career and would not want to give it up permanently , she had a great desire for a strong , loving relationship and wanted to have children of her own — something she would never be able to do if her present feelings persisted .
5 Theodora did not want to give it that chance .
6 I want to help those in adverse circumstances , but I do not want to give it all back . ’
7 Kate quickly shrugged it off herself , not wanting to give him any chance of coming near her .
8 Steadfastly , she avoided his gaze , not wanting to give him an opportunity for some deflating remark .
9 ‘ It 's not that , ’ Fabia began , certain in her heart that she had now scuppered every last chance of that interview with Ven , but with Cara having more than enough to worry about with Barney still so poorly , not wanting to give her something else to be upset about .
10 You 'd have to be daft not to want to give it a go .
11 Perhaps she only meant she did n't want to give him her cold .
12 At the moment he 's under control , but I do n't want to give him time to try going over my head . ’
13 They do n't want to give him any .
14 She had even avoided the swimming-pool , for , much as she looked forward to and enjoyed her evening dips , she did n't want to give him any further opportunity to seek her company .
15 She did n't want to give him the satisfaction .
16 He put in a kitchen and he thought there was something funny about these people erm they did n't want to give him money up front for the fabric , you know , the woods and things and he was n't asking the full amount anyway and he said , you know , a things are very tight in business and I do not want to run up any more debts if you will let me have some of cash , some of the cash fo for the wood as soon as the wood 's delivered I 'll come and do the job , it 's not as though your money is going to be tied up in any way and there was a bit of a face pulling and saw this woman drop to , sort of , always hovering around always putting her motty in and erm when th when the job was nearly completed madam steps forward with the cries of that is n't quite right and that is n't quite right and Nev was putting hours doing nit-picking fussing about getting things absolutely perfect got it absolutely perfect but when it came to the final bill they knocked off six hundred because there was the tiniest little scratch on one of the panels !
17 D I did n't want to give him a false impression .
18 She works in Belstrode Road , and she does n't want to give her address as a squat .
19 The bloke do n't want to give them back , that 's how come we got involved .
20 I knew I did n't want to give them up .
21 if they just bring one , I shall say well I 've got choice then to say well is this this week 's or last week 's , now I do n't want to give them that opportunity to say well she 's worrying about one week 's wages , I mean Jan could love that and that 's given him chance to bring er , whereas if it pops through the door , or he comes
22 No , he did n't want to give her a rose , or a spoon , or a baby .
23 But as a woman he does n't want to give her too much credit .
24 You said yourself she did n't want to give me away , in the letter . ’
25 Elaine did n't want to give me away — Miss Rose said so .
26 We do n't want to give our golden goose a head-start .
27 She did n't want to give anything away .
28 We have already mapped out our route but we do n't want to give anything away to the others . ’
29 no , no it 's , it 's the people that think the world owes them a living , but they do n't want to give anything back and that really bugs me .
30 She just did n't want to give anyone the chance to put her down .
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