Example sentences of "not be looked at " in BNC.

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1 Natural populations of white clover are polymorphic for incompatibility alleles and for the ability to form nitrogen fixing symbioses with strains of Rhizobium but these have not been looked at at Henfaes .
2 Erm The Body , The Body Shop staff were all give were all given training were n't they and , and a lot of details and they had a video that they use with them , perhaps that 's the aspect that 's not been looked at so well .
3 Once again these hidden costs have been part of the investment-need right from the beginning — it is just that they have not been looked at closely enough .
4 We are all like pictures that must not be looked at too near . ’
5 The American meteorological craft can not be looked at in isolation : they depend not only on Earth stations but also on processing equipment on the ground that makes sense of the data that the craft provide .
6 ‘ With the speed of integration of JAA and the Single European Market this issue can not be looked at in isolation from the overall harmonisation requirements which will influence the CAA 's regulatory system .
7 The ASB proposals seem to imply that card portfolios should not be looked at on a portfolio basis and that the laws of large numbers do not apply .
8 He has experimented successfully himself with low price hardbacks , but stresses that price can not be looked at in isolation .
9 Whilst the cost of unemployment in terms of human misery and risk of social unrest must be considerable , the attempt to seek a remedy must not be looked at as merely a social gesture .
10 oh , any thing at all , just looking at cars and getting the design right so you cut down on accidents , really I think that this has n't been looked at because its male dominated
11 Now that idea was to get everybody together and erm because there have been certain members of the staff which have n't been looked at for a period of time they 've escaped the net as it were in the last couple of times and it seems that we 've had the same guys for the last three years and some have erm
12 She used to toss her head as she passed me , as if I was something nasty on the roadside that should n't be looked at .
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