Example sentences of "[Wh pn] had been [adj] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Highlander was a linkpin in the whole operation , bringing together many people who had been involved in land issues over a large geographical area , schools , community groups , local politicians , academics , and interested individuals Workshops at Highlander laid the foundations for articulation of the problems and a research methodology for establishing the relative facts and presenting them in a manner which would best suit community requirements .
2 In total Oshima named seven senior members of the LDP who had been involved in efforts to force his party to desist .
3 John Tutchin , himself a Nonconformist and someone who had been involved in Monmouth 's rebellion , frequently attacked the High Church lower clergy in his Whig periodical , The Observator , but was prepared to defend the Church hierarchy , saying that we had " the best set of Bishops that ever England yet knew " .
4 Jonah and Petrovsky were to be assisted by Giandomenico Picco ( Italy , who had been involved in negotiations for the release of hostages in Lebanon — see pp. 38550 ; 38694 ) and Sotirios Mousouris ( Greece ) , both with the rank of Assistant Secretary-General .
5 Was n't he the one who had been friendly with Pamella Bordes , or was it Donald Trelford of the Observer ?
6 Barney , who had been deep in thought , spoke as the car thundered past the Berkeley Hunt kennels .
7 Breeze , who had been deep in thought , came back with a start to her present surroundings .
8 In Leeds Private Hospital Ltd v Parkin [ 1992 ] 453 IRLIB 3 , the Employment Appeal Tribunal upheld an industrial tribunal decision that a man with a known disability who had been absent from work for four days , as had the pregnant employee in this case , would not have been dismissed .
9 He describes lodging in the beautifully furnished house of a respectable widow with artistic tastes , who had been impoverished by inflation .
10 The rage of the Iceni spread through the south-east , affecting first the Trinovantes who had been simmering in discontent for some years .
11 Brandt 's successor , appointed on 16 May 1974 , was Helmut Schmidt , a pragmatic , intelligent man , who had been critical of Brandt 's leadership at times , and who could be brusque and impatient .
12 Then Vera Volkova , the Russian teacher who had been influential in England , taught the Royal Danes for 25 years , changing their style and giving them a more modern technique .
13 Two patients who had been negative for dysplasia were found to have low grade dysplasia in their colectomy specimens .
14 The affair of the Lucona , which blew up off the Maldives in January 1977 , had led to the resignations of three leading politicians who had been close to Proksch .
15 It was not undertaken in 11 of those who had been subject to suffocation , five referred before the po 2 monitor was available , four patients >1 year with infrequent events , two for whom social problems resulted in a prolonged hospital stay , and one who died before admission .
16 And although Whigs under Anne liked to claim that James had been deposed for breaking his original contract with the people , they found it a credible way of embarrassing their political opponents to argue that it was the Tories who had been responsible for James 's downfall .
17 Despite Lenin 's theory of national self-determination , the new Soviet Union still embraced the great bulk of the old imperial domains , including minorities like the Georgians and the Ukrainians who had been civilized for centuries before the denizens of what was to become Muscovy .
18 To plan the strategy Jones and Palmer got together on 7 April with Bart Czirr , a physicist from the University , and Johann Rafelski , a theorist who had been interested in Jones ' work on piezonuclear fusion since 1985 , and who was about to move from Cape Town to the University of Arizona .
19 The Labour Party saw its strongholds in Scotland and Wales endangered and some of the — younger members elected in 1964 and 1966 , who had been interested in devolution and governmental reform long before the nationalist challenge arose , saw this as their chance to press for a degree of devolution to an elected all-Welsh or all-Scottish council .
20 Blackberry , the rabbit with tipped ears who had been startled by Fiver the night before , had listened carefully to Hazel 's description of the notice board , remarking that he had always felt sure that men left these things about to act as signs or messages of some kind , in the same way that rabbits left marks on runs and gaps .
21 Clare had recognized the girl — the would-be actress daughter of a neighbour who had been kind to Clare when the Shapiros first moved in .
22 They were persons who had been brain-washed by years of experience of disengaging from colonies and saw Northern Ireland as another external colony from which Great Britain was destined to disengage in order to hand it back to the natives whom they assumed were the republican Irish of the island as a whole .
23 Watson was a Wimpey pilot who had been press-ganged onto fighters while awaiting a replacement aircraft .
24 Five others who had been eligible for parole following the first trial were now imprisoned .
25 Archipenko and La Fresnaye , who had been unknown to Gleizes before the Salon des Indépendants of 1911 , began to frequent the Mondays at Courbevoie .
26 On the other hand , the Duchess of Atholl , a Conservative who had been active in support of the Republicans , took a leading part in the Alliance .
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