Example sentences of "[Wh pn] had [vb pp] [prep] him [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A children 's television series , The Chequered Flag , cast Crawford alongside Jeremy Bulloch , who had appeared with him in Billy Bunter and A French Mistress .
2 The time had come to splash out to the tune of forty quid a head for the eight members of his party who had travelled with him from the Forest of Arden to Sussex by the Sea .
3 Franco had spotted this possibility at an early stage : on arrival in Tetuán , he had authorized Luis Bolín ( who had travelled with him from Casablanca ) to purchase aircraft and armaments in Italy , Germany or Britain .
4 Mercer Lorrimore , unattended by the rest of his family , talked pleasantly with his trainer , who had come from Toronto , and shook hands with his jockey , the same one who had ridden for him at Woodbine .
5 He had just been booted out of his digs , for the nth time , because the landlady had complained about the noise of a child who had stayed with him on the way home for half-term .
6 She had been a rosy , stocky little girl who had stared at him with a bright , vacant face , her finger in her mouth .
7 Theodora pressed on , ‘ What the vicar 's warden also told me was that Paul had become more and more involved with the Youth Club and , in particular , with Jefferson , who had worked with him at Narborough .
8 Sutton had recruited Bill Packford , who had worked with him on the Evening News in the old days , to lay out pages for the 7 December dummy edition .
9 I KNEW of Doctor Ladislav Mareda through British friends who had worked with him for the English-language section of Prague radio until the crushing of the Prague Spring in 1968 .
10 One officer who had worked with him during his short stay in the force laughingly told colleagues that this ‘ college man ’ definitely had one arrest — because he would willingly recall details of his big moment for anyone who was prepared to listen .
11 But all Gouzenko could say about the other Elli was that he was in ‘ department five of Military intelligence ’ and had been told this by a colleague called Lubimov , or possibly Liubimov , who had worked with him in the GRU code room in Moscow .
12 Bobby Anscombe had intended his ultimatum as an exit line , but he was stopped by Michael Banks , who had worked with him in the past and knew his volatile temper .
13 ‘ He could always make you tingle , just being near him , ’ wrote one old woman who had worked with him in Bury as a girl in 1929 .
14 His mother could not be traced , but the tiny corpse was recognised by a lady who had looked after him for some time , before she , as many others , had done before her , had innocently replied to Mrs Dyer 's advertisement , disguised by the nom de plume Mrs Thomas .
15 ‘ Let's hope so , ’ she said , and told them that her parents were furious because Josh , her grandmother 's lodger , had left all his money and possessions to Kate and not even mentioned her grandmother who had looked after him for years .
16 He wanted to find Mr Brownlow , the kind old man who had looked after him in London .
17 He had been escorted back to the Vicarage by a plainclothes officer , not the one who had been working most closely with Commander Dalgliesh , but an older man , broad-shouldered , stolid , reassuringly calm , who had spoken to him in a soft country accent which he could n't recognize but was most certainly not local .
18 On 29 January 1716 Argyll , assisted by one of Marlborough 's favourite staff officers , General William Cadogan , who had brought with him to Scotland the 6000 Dutch troops who had swollen the Hanoverian army , began his advance on Perth where that same night the rebels decided on a retreat towards Dundee .
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