Example sentences of "[Wh pn] had [vb pp] [adv] [prep] his " in BNC.

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1 All the left needed to do was to ensure that the next Labour government was a real alternative , and not led by another tedious old right-winger like Callaghan , who had gone back to his farm blaming the lefties .
2 But the office , where he was an unelevated lazy Indian who had run away from his wife and children , there was disapproval from the clerks he worked with : there was mockery behind his back and in front of his face .
3 Some might have taken him for a mere apprentice enchanter who had run away from his master out of defiance , boredom , fear and a lingering taste for heterosexuality .
4 On the way here this morning , the picture of the Carrie he had once known and played with … and loved , had been plain in his mind ; and the nearer he had come to the house where she now lived , he imagined the Carrie he expected to see would be merely an older replica of the one who had run out of his life the day his mother had hit him and knocked him out .
5 Thereafter , the caretaker was his man , glad of a chance to finger ‘ that man ’ who had moved in with his girlfriend on the eighth floor .
6 Tragic Victor Dudley , 59 , who had fallen behind with his mortgage after losing his job , was heartbroken at the thought of leaving the house where he had lived for 30 years .
7 Carpenter 's speed and control was even causing problems for Harris , himself no slouch , and Farnham 's hearts must have been in their mouths when the Cranleigh number 10 , having broken clear on the right , hit the deck after a late challenge by Cann who had raced out of his area .
8 Nick saw a stocky , lively-looking man in a cloth cap and baggy trousers , who had bounced up from his haunches eager as a puppy .
9 In the Commons he seldom spoke , but in 1842 , after the Treaty of Nanking had secured Hong Kong and opened five new ‘ treaty ports ’ , Palmerston , who had relied heavily on his advice , credited him with a major role in the success of British policy toward China .
10 By 1966 , the Church was better able to take advantage of the new interest in its separatist stance because it now had a core of Ulstermen who had been converted under Ian Paisley s preaching and who had grown up with his politicized evangelicalism .
11 He was a man who had started out in his career simple and full of hope , but his life had been so marked by violent and terrible happenings that his character was now seamed and rocky like a mountain face which had been opened up by movements of the earth , then partly sealed by lava flows .
12 He gasped out his news even as Corbett , who had hurried down from his chamber , helped him out of the saddle .
13 Gloucester fought in both battles and was later to endow prayers for those who had died there in his service .
14 Gloucester fought in both battles and was later to endow prayers for those who had died there in his service .
15 The unimaginable heat and weight of Fenna had pressed the ooze in the cave , pressed so hotly and heavily that the molecules of mud were squeezed apart , breaking up into carbon atoms and hydrogen atoms , and his weight had compressed the carbon atoms into diamond crystals , and more and more diamonds until his hoard was a lure to garish youths , who had toiled up to his cave and exchanged riddles and blows with him , but when he had fixed them with his ancient evil little eyes , they retreated abashed to sing his praises .
16 He was a man of strong ambition and had a doubtful reputation as an intriguer , but he was an able man who had deserved better of his party .
17 On 27 and 31 July he made two final appeals to Leopold , who had responded curtly to his son 's enthusiastic descriptions of his recent musical success ; and on 4 August the lovers were married at St Stephen 's Cathedral , with only Constanze 's mother , her younger sister , her guardian , and two other witnesses present .
18 CD probably knew of the case from his reading of Voltaire ( 1694–1778 ) who had protested strongly in his Relation de la Mort du Chevalier de la Barre ( 1766 ) against the trial and the verdict .
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