Example sentences of "[Wh pn] he [verb] [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 To some extent he was lucky : at the beginning of his reign he encountered a pope , Gregory X , whom he had already met in England in the 1260s and on crusade in 1272–4 ; at the end of his reign Edward had to deal with a pope , Clement V , who had been his subject and his servant in Bordeaux ; in the interval between these two popes there were ten others , but nine of these together occupied the papal throne for barely fifteen years , five of them for less than a year each , two for four years apiece , one for nearly three , and one for two only .
2 The reason he wanted desperately to get into the company was that Ninette de Valois , to whom he had already spoken about his choreographic ambitions , had told him that experience of working with other choreographers and dancing their ballets was essential to learn his craft .
3 The latter also diverged from the Prime Minister , with whom he had latterly differed over Westland , Libya , and other issues .
4 The court heard that Nichol then drove her home before going on to another girlfriend , Leoni Hogg , whom he had previously lived with .
5 Nicknamed the Dottore sottile ( " subtle doctor " ) , he had become reconciled in the 1980s with Craxi , whom he had previously criticized for what he regarded as his autocratic attitudes .
6 Later in the day Gorbachev had an audience with Pope John Paul II , whom he had previously met in December 1989 [ see p. 37129 ] .
7 A solicitor wrote him a letter at the airport , with a copy to the customs authorities , saying that Bella had evidence he was drinking and unfit to have the care of the child , whom he had anyway abducted without written consent .
8 He knew the man whom he had grudgingly raised from a boy .
9 WITH the ice cracking and groaning underfoot and the wind etching their faces , Robert Swan stood at the North Pole and turned to the woman for whom he had just walked to the end of the earth .
10 He recalled with amazement , as if it were years ago , his first shocked vision of the adult Irina , the shaggy , sullen , unkempt ‘ gipsy ’ girl standing at the door of Red Cottage who had not spoken to him , and whom he had even conjectured to be mentally defective .
11 The noble owner returned around nine o'clock , and renewed his acquaintance with Dr Johnson , with whom he had once dined in London .
12 Havel on July 26 paid a one-day private visit to Salzburg , Austria , together with the West German President , Richard von Weizsäcker ( whom he had earlier met in Bavaria ) .
13 He was with a group of friends whom he had apparently met in the gallery , and they were all standing around him admiringly , talking and laughing in that exaggeratedly animated way only Americans have , reacting and demanding reactions .
14 In 1986 , Robben played guitar for Miles Davis , whom he had often cited as his greatest influence .
15 For Oldfield , exacting a satisfactory arrangement with Virgin had become a point of principle , inextricably entwined with his feelings for the man whom he had long regarded as friend and protector , and his need to prove something to himself : ‘ It had got to a point where I said I ca n't respect myself unless I 'm prepared to stand up and fight Richard .
16 When he next spoke it was to ask the forgiveness of anyone present whom he had unwittingly wronged during his ministry in Krishnapur .
17 The other partners are only safe if the individual who acted had no authority in fact and the party with whom he dealt either knew about the absence of authority or else did not know or believe the individual to be a partner .
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