Example sentences of "[Wh pn] have [vb pp] the [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 In contrast to the management of a couple with problems in their relationship , different therapeutic needs are posed by the patient who has suffered the break-up of a relationship .
2 IT IS always a daunting task to review the work of an author who has achieved the pre-eminence of James Boyd .
3 Sometimes the expert evidence is given by a medical witness ; more often , an expert motor engineer who has studied the effect of crashes on bodies in a car would be a more appropriate witness .
4 As someone who has championed the cause of renewable energy since the mid-1970s , I give a warm personal welcome to my hon. Friend 's statement , which I believe to be in exactly the right direction .
5 I think I am only saying that anyone who has followed the history of this controversy over the last twenty years will already see reason to think that the friction produced by quarrelling among good causes is enormous and it is a luxury that we simply can not afford .
6 Spracklen , who has accepted the position of coach to the Canadian men 's team , has been involved in a long-running disagreement with the director of international rowing , Penny Chuter .
7 Anyone who has heard the dialect of the Bronx , New Orleans or Albuquerque will be able to affirm the failure of those techniques .
8 But it is Jan Timman who has gained the attention of the Dutch .
9 But what of the expectation of life of someone who has reached the age of forty ?
10 In general terms , however , the present state of the law is that an individual who has reached the age of 18 is free to do with his life what he wishes , but it is the duty of the court to ensure so far as it can that children survive to attain that age .
11 ( b ) Adolescents in need There is a separate and additional duty for every local authority " to provide accommodation for any child in need within their area who has reached the age of 16 and whose welfare the authority consider is likely to be seriously prejudiced if they do not provide him with accommodation " ( s20(3) ) .
12 The composer 's liveliness and wit impressed him and , not least , his enthusiasm ( unsuspected by Nietzsche ) for Schopenhauer : " You will understand how much I enjoyed hearing him speak of Schopenhauer with indescribable warmth , what he owed to him , how he is the only philosopher who has understood the essence of music . "
13 On his journey home Laertes has raised an army shouting ‘ We choose Laertes as king ! ’ , and does not hesitate in his desire to take revenge on not only Hamlet , the murderer , but also on Claudius , who has kept the death of Polonius secret .
14 The hon. Gentleman was far more brave than the hon. Member for Torridge and Devon , West ( Miss Nicholson ) who has adopted the role of reading out central office briefs in the House to apologise for the Conservative party .
15 I do so as a grateful tribute to someone who has liberated the study of non-verbal communication from the dead hand of ethological reductionism .
16 Anyone who has made the mistake of parking at harvest-time under the trees which line the Place Drouet d'Erlon in Reims , will realise that most of Champagne 's bird life return each night to this one street to rest and make room for the following day 's gorging of grapes .
17 Nicholas was not the first Scottish star who has made the error of moving to London in the belief that the terraces are paved with gold .
18 Indeed , TMA 1970 , s76 provides that a trustee who has authorised the receipt of profits arising from trust property by or by the agent of the person entitled thereto ( the beneficiary ) , shall not if : ( a ) that person or agent actually receives the profits under that authority ; and ( b ) the trustee makes a return of the name , address and profits of that person be required to do any other act for the purposes of the assessment of that person to income tax .
19 It was Amato who introduced the far-reaching austerity package of spending cuts and taxes to revitalise the economy and who has begun the privatisation of many state-owned businesses , a source of political patronage .
20 The union has responded to these changes by appointing a music business adviser who has expanded the range of services aimed at rock musicians .
21 I believe that , if it is established through a proper investigation that a company has been victimising workers for reporting safety concerns , that company — whether it is a contractor or an operator — must be in exactly the same position as an employee who has jeopardised the safety of a platform .
22 Its central theme concerns a young man , Colby Simpkins , who has entered the service of Sir Claude Mulhammer as a " confidential clerk " ; Mulhammer in fact believes Colby to be his illegitimate son , raised by a Mrs Guzzard in Teddington , but his paternity is thrown in doubt when Sir Claude 's wife , Lady Elizabeth Mulhammer , claims Colby as her own illegitimate son who had also been dispatched to Mrs Guzzard .
23 But I find it totally incomprehensible that someone who has held the office of Chancellor with high standing for over six years should want to resign over a personality with such suddenness and haste . ’
24 The man who has reversed the image of the horizontal heavyweight from Britain now has a clearly defined picture of the future in his head .
25 Anyone who has used the technique of showing to a client edited video tape of research in progress on a group of consumers at a presentation , will notice the rapt expression on his face as he looks at real people talking about his product .
26 Two of the women who founded the centre in 1980 , the charismatic Mrs Penny Brohn , a cancer sufferer herself who has spurned the path of orthodox medicine , and Mrs Pat Pilkington , and Dr Alec Forbes , the centre 's medical adviser , made it quite clear in the first of the series of six , that the centre 's work was to be seen as supplementary to orthodox treatment and not a substitute for it .
27 In a written Parliamentary answer to East Belfast MP Peter Robinson , who has demanded the release of the report , Mr Hanley disclosed that one recommendation in it was not implemented .
28 Moreover , anyone who has acquired the power of co-ordinating correctly , can readjust the parts of his body to meet the requirements of almost any position , while always commanding adequate and correct movements of the respiratory apparatus .
29 As anyone knows who has read the literature of management information systems , office automation , and document-based systems , we are bombarded by data which if valid ( and accepted by the profession ) would have a profound effect on the design of information systems .
30 Anyone who has read The Hound of the Baskervilles will know what fate is in store for those who wander off into a mire !
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