Example sentences of "[Wh pn] have [adv] be [verb] up " in BNC.

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1 Both Victoria and Albert were delighted with the Emperor 's charm and amiability , but above all they were captivated by Eugènie ‘ the dear , sweet Empress ’ , though the Queen confided to the Emperor that she realized how difficult her role must be for someone who had not been brought up to it .
2 A book about the children of the war , displaced children , children who had not been brought up by their natural parents or in their home countries .
3 Fraternal twins have different genetic profiles but a similar upbringing , while identical twins who have not been brought up together will have the same genetic make-up but different social environments .
4 ‘ That 'd be a clever trick for someone who 's just been blown up . ’
5 Trying to dissuade a father from sending his gay teenager to a psychiatrist ; calming someone who 's just been beaten up in a police cell ; sharing someone 's joy at discovering that there 's another lesbian in the next village , all serve to remove some of the complacency which can so easily set in .
6 Now before Neil starts panicking and worrying about that , bear in mind that that is spread over the whole spectrum of operations , including things like heart transplants and the like , and also , for example , an elderly person who 's just been smashed up by er Astra G T E
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