Example sentences of "[Wh pn] have [verb] her [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 HELENA Bonham-Carter , the actress , was yesterday granted a High Court injunction in London against a fan who has pestered her for several years .
2 Eventually , Reid said , ‘ All Susan ever said about her father was that he was a grade-A shit who 'd ignored her for most of her life and thought money was a good substitute for love .
3 Everything was peaceful — everything but the man who 'd brought her to this place .
4 A little thrill of anticipation ran along her skin as she turned and looked into the eyes of the man who 'd watched her with such intensity during the fashion show .
5 Those who had seen her in this mood before faded quietly out of reach ; others got their fingers burnt .
6 It was Clive who had got her into this mess .
7 The people who had put her in such a tizzy were a solicitor , a computer analyst and someone in advertising .
8 Any dregs of left-over resentment were directed at Alain Lemarchand , the man who had forced her into this , the man who had forced both of them into it .
9 She also warned Quinn of the abrasive Kevin Brown , who had chosen her for this mission and had established himself in London with a team of eight to ‘ keep an eye on things ’ .
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