Example sentences of "[Wh pn] have [verb] [noun prp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Dr Howe , who has treated Tony for the past four years , said : ‘ It has been discussed endlessly in the newspapers and I think it is time to let it be . ’
2 When Absolon brands Nicholas with the hot coulter there is an unmistakable innuendo that he disgraces the rampant Nicholas , who has replaced Alison at the window , with a homosexual assault .
3 Also under discussion today will be the inclusion of Boblyn Tuavao — the Tongan forward who has replaced Grima as the club 's third overseas player — in the Widnes side which beat Barrow at Craven Park last Sunday .
4 ‘ He is the best goalscorer I 've ever seen in my time in professional football , and anyone who has seen Liverpool over the years will agree he 's a very special player . ’
5 Glenn Ross has done wonders with a player like fly-half John Steele but the man who has put Northampton on the map almost single handed is unquestionably Wayne Shelford .
6 When Kirk Douglas became a target for a drunkard in a bar who 'd seen Douglas as the boxer in Champion , Kirk merely slammed his hand on the bar and shouted , ‘ Anyone in this bar can lick me in a fight , ’ and the drunkard backed off .
7 Afterwards , Angelo Dundee , who had trained Ali from the start and had to be talked into showing up for this one , watched him slumped in the dressing-room , then turned away and rubbed his eyes as certain people tried to convince Ali that he had been robbed and that a fourth title was still possible .
8 It had also been Marcus who had phoned Connon with the news of Arthur 's visit to the police station .
9 The big obstacle to Britain gaining the gold medal was the Russian favourite Aleksandr Yevgeniev , a man who had set a world best earlier in the season and who had beaten Mafe at the initial World Indoor Games in the Palais Omnisports de Paris-Bercy one year before to win the gold medal .
10 Yeltsin was rapturously accepted in Russia specifically as the ‘ Russian ’ leader who had liberated Russia from the communism foreign to it .
11 Geydar Aliyev , leader of Nakhichevan , who had visited Turkey at the beginning of June , announced on June 15 that Turkey would provide " general assistance " for Nakhichevan .
12 He passed the box to Lee who had followed Maura over the street and picked his daughter up in his arms .
13 The question was answered almost immediately because the man , who had followed Jean along the passage , now pushed past her and entered the kitchen .
14 In Wealden Sussex there were Austrians , amongst them Anton Lang , who had played Jesus in the Oberammergau Passion Play .
15 the army intelligence officer who had asked Beattie on the morning of his arrest for information on crimes in south-east Antrim had not even mentioned the one of which he was now accused .
16 The cripple , for example , who had flung Allen into the stream , was he an honest man or a rascal ?
17 Litchfield , who had kept Scunthorpe in the competition by saving a late penalty in the game at Glanford Park , almost gave this one away in the opening minutes when he dropped the ball at the feet of Ronnie Futcher .
18 Critics accused Meciar , a former communist who had joined VPN at the time of the revolution , of using information from secret police files to intimidate political rivals and of acting unconstitutionally by making official foreign visits .
19 He talked about Fitzroy , the naval officer who had carried out the first detailed survey of the waters we were looking down on , and of Darwin , who had joined Fitzroy in the Beagle for a second voyage in which the survey had been completed , followed by the long voyage home via the Galapagos and other islands , including New Zealand .
20 Colin Wallace , who had seen Lewis on the day he vanished , was charged with murder .
21 Better educated , brighter , and more articulate than many of the older men who had supported Paisley since the 1950s , Robinson gave the party managerial and organizational skills it had previously lacked .
22 The Man who had scared Creggan off the person he had attacked stared into Creggan 's cage for a moment , then at Minch , and then joined the other one .
23 In 1886 the President was Balfour Stewart , Tait 's collaborator ; the Vice-Presidents included the Bishops of Carlisle and of Ripon , A. J. Balfour , the future Prime Minister , Lord Rayleigh , the physicist — who had succeeded Maxwell as the Cavendish professor at Cambridge — as well as Sidgwick and other notables .
24 She had smiled on the new young courtier , and she had helped him , and he had been fascinated by her , for although she was ageing , there were still easily discernible traces of the famous beauty who had led armies into battle and lovers into bed ; who had brought Ireland to the brink of something so truly great that its fame would echo down the centuries .
25 ‘ Maybe what upset Dustin was that he knew that , although he was the better actor , Steve 's performance in Papillon was superior , ’ commented Norman Jewison , who had directed McQueen in The Cincinnati Kid and The Thomas Crown Affair , but who never worked with Dustin .
26 It was she who had interviewed Meg for the Old Rectory and Meg now found it difficult to connect that confident , tweeded , slightly aggressive woman with the two gentle old people she knew .
27 After all , it was the British and the Russians who had dominated Iran through the nineteenth and much of the twentieth centuries .
28 The apostles , the folk who had known Jesus in the old days in Galilee , Stephen , Paul ; all are ‘ witnesses of these things ; and so is the Holy Spirit whom God had given to those who obey him ’ ( Acts 5:32 ) .
29 They were delighted and arranged a reception for him in a studio formerly occupied by Chagall , who had left France before the war to go back to Russia to get married .
30 It is a statement from a double opt-out Government who have isolated Britain on the most vital issues of economic and monetary union and the social charter .
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