Example sentences of "[Wh pn] have [verb] [verb] her [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Kate related her dream about little Miss Malabedeely being bullied again by Miss Shaw and Miss Rist and then Miss Malabedeely 's marriage to the African bishop , who 'd promised to worship her with his body .
2 She was in time to see the recovery of one of the young gentlemen who had begun to torment her on that night until Colonel Hope had silenced him .
3 Meanwhile , the Scots who had refused to allow her to be brought up in England sent her , at the beginning of August , to France .
4 And after phoning Julie , who had agreed to join her in Devon , she 'd also been heartened by her friend 's confirmation that she was doing the right thing .
5 She never shared her inner thoughts with anyone , not even her friends at school who had come to regard her as something of an enigma .
6 She decides at this point in the story , that nothing is too bad for those people who have tried to humiliate her throughout her life .
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