Example sentences of "[Wh pn] be [adv] [verb] in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Given that it seems clear that we may expect students who are well qualified in traditional terms to achieve relatively high levels of academic achievement , an important measure of success may be the extent to which institutions are able to take students who are not well qualified traditionally and achieve relatively high success rates with these students .
2 We have some erm members of staff who are permanently working in different countries at any one time — probably five/six people from the Institute .
3 There is no central Government programme under the label ’ skills training ’ , but we are , of course , committed to ensuring that high-quality skills training is provided for the 380,000 people who are currently participating in Government-funded training programmes throughout England and Wales .
4 This might exclude many students who are currently enrolled in English degrees , even those with good A-levels which can now be obtained very largely by studying drama and fiction .
5 Very often those without enough political power to influence the course of events resulting from erosion and from official conservation programmes , are those who are politically subordinated in other related ways .
6 ‘ I could think of individual old people who were inappropriately placed in long-stay settings , or who were creating excessive stresses at home on relatives … and I could see that something more substantial in the community needed to be provided .
7 Carolyn , 24 pictured here with three of her five bridesmaids , who were also dressed in red and white of Highfield Road South , Rock Ferry , Wirral , wore her eye-catching creation at Christchurch in Port Sunlight .
8 Then he stepped away from her to address the other members of staff , who were still standing in curious groups , discussing the damage .
9 To protect themselves mamluks returned to their slave markets of origin to purchase boys who were then reared in existing mamluk households creating an isolated military caste to rule Egypt .
10 But it also sustains an idea of the feminist , not just as an individual , autonomous subject , but also as a subject defined by her relationship to others , who is differently defined in different contexts , and who has no fixed boundaries .
11 Returning to Edinburgh in 1852 , he studied logic and metaphysics under Sir William Hamilton [ q.v. ] , who was well versed in German philosophy , then largely ignored in British universities .
12 In the United States , a New York grand jury on July 29 brought criminal indictments against BCCI , against its founder Abedi , who was currently living in poor health in Sind province , Pakistan , and against its former chief operating officer Swaleh Naqvi .
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