Example sentences of "that iraq had [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 He said that Iraq had achieved " a complicated scientific leap " when it successfully tested the launching .
2 Although there was no reliable estimate of the numbers detained , it became apparent that Iraq had moved some foreign nationals to potential military targets such as air fields and oil facilities , to deter any US air attacks .
3 The statement , which coincided with the inspection of a research centre near Salman Pak , 30 km south-east of Baghdad , by a team of UN biological weapons experts who had arrived in Iraq on Aug. 2 , was confirmed by the team 's head , David Kelly , who said that Iraq had undertaken research using anthrax and the food poisoning toxin , botulinum , but that his team had found no evidence of the manufacture of biological weapons .
4 The International Herald Tribune of April 28 reported that the US government had for more than two years had evidence that Iraq had diverted food purchased under a US$5,500 million aid programme and exchanged it for Soviet-made arms in Jordan , Turkey and the Soviet Union , including nuclear technology according to a confidential US document dated Oct. 13 , 1989 .
5 The Iranian news agency IRNA announced on Aug. 15 that Iraq had accepted Iran 's terms for a comprehensive peace plan based on the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 598 of July 1987 [ see p. 35600 ] and on the recognition of the 1975 Algiers accord [ see pp. 27053-54 ] which Iraq had rejected before invading Iran in September 1980 .
6 The head of a UN ballistics missiles team which visited Iraq on Dec. 2-9 , Patrice Palanque , said in Baghdad on Dec. 9 that Iraq had destroyed all its declared ballistic missiles of mass destruction , including its " supergun " .
7 On Dec. 15 the Iraqi News Agency ( INA ) announced that Iraq had called off the Bush-Aziz talks .
8 UN chemical weapons inspectors who returned to Manama , Bahrain , following a week-long mission in Iraq said on Nov. 9 that Iraq had begun the incineration of its mustard gas arsenal at the former chemical weapons production complex at Muthanna , 130 km from Baghdad [ see also p. 39116 ] .
9 Ekeus also indicated that Iraq had conceded " full , final and complete disclosure " of various other ballistic and chemical weapons programmes and had admitted to destroying up to 800 missiles not previously declared to UN inspectors — a move subsequently verified by Boothby on March 23 .
10 Shaikh Jabir called for a united front , adding that Iraq had sought wrongfully to exploit the differences arising from " the endeavours and efforts of some Kuwaiti activists to organise the Kuwaiti state " .
11 There were also reports that Iraq had sought sanctuary for many of its most modern aircraft in Iran .
12 It was reported on Aug. 21 that Iraq had completed the withdrawal of its troops , which had begun on Aug. 17 and that almost all of the estimated 70,000 to 100,000 prisoners of war ( POWs ) held by Iran and Iraq had been exchanged , with the last due to be released in September .
13 The New York Times of Aug. 14 reported that Iraq had transferred between US$3,000 million and $5,000 million in gold , foreign currency and goods from Kuwait and that this had significantly increased Iraq 's financial reserves which had stood at an estimated US$6,500 million before the invasion .
14 Jordanians were dejected by the beating Iraq was getting , elated by the news that Iraq had made good its threat to strike Israel with missiles , worried lest Israeli retaliation drag Jordan into the war .
15 The Washington Post of Sept. 28 reported that Iraq had given all citizens of Kuwait until Oct. 1 to apply for Iraqi citizenship .
16 It is not yet clear whether this feat was accomplished through inflight refuelling — there were reports that Iraq had received the Antonev fuel-carrier from the USSR — or through refuelling halfway down the Gulf , as the victims appeared to suspect .
17 There were reports that Iraq had received another Russian system , the SS-21 , though specialist circles are uncertain about this and arrival was not independently confirmed — perhaps the confusion arose from the last digits of the SS-12 having been inverted .
18 On July 8 the IAEA confirmed that Iraq had acknowledged work on three parallel programmes " for uranium enrichment " although the Foreign Affairs Minister , Ahmad Husayn Kudayyir , claimed on July 9 that the government had destroyed all its nuclear weapons capability .
19 The International Herald Tribune of May 29 , 1989 , quoted US officials as saying that Iraq had agreed to pay $27,300,000 in compensation to the families of the 37 US crew members who had been killed in May 1987 during Iraq 's missile attack on the USS Stark in the Gulf [ see p. 35597 ] .
20 In a letter dated Aug. 14 , the Iraqi President Saddam Hussein informed the Iranian President Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani that Iraq had agreed ( i ) " to adopt the 1975 agreement " ( i.e. the Algiers accord , which divided the Shatt al-Arab waterway between Iran and Iraq ] ; ( ii ) to withdraw as of Aug. 17 an estimated 100,000-250,000 Iraqi troops from Iranian territory officially totalling 2,600 sq km ; and ( iii ) to begin the immediate repatriation of an estimated 30,000 Iranian prisoners of war .
21 Claims that Iraq had concealed vital information regarding its nuclear programme were revived by US President George Bush in a report to the US Congress on Jan. 14 .
22 Then an Iraqi spokesman claimed that Iraq had mined the approach to Bandar Khomeini , though this was contradicted by Iran .
23 This assurance had been given in the light of US reports on July 24 claiming that Iraq had advanced two armoured divisions totalling about 30,000 soldiers towards the Kuwaiti border .
24 It was reported on Oct. 22 that Iraq had expelled members of the Mujaheddin e-Khalq , based in Baghdad and the largest and most important dissident group opposed to the Iranian regime .
25 A report by the International Atomic Energy Agency ( IAEA ) assessing the findings of the seventh and eighth UN nuclear inspection teams which visited Iraq on Oct. 11-22 and Nov. 11-18 respectively , said that Iraq had established " a large , secure and highly successful procurement network " in support of its uranium-enrichment and weapons manufacturing operations .
26 Saddam claimed on Sept. 2 that Iraq had repelled an Iranian attempt to infiltrate the southern marshes , and on Sept 8 he warned that Iraq would " inflict losses on anyone trying to tamper with its unity " .
27 The International Atomic Energy Agency ( IAEA ) , in a report on Jan. 17 summarizing the activities of the ninth UN nuclear inspection team which visited Iraq on Jan. 12-14 , said that Iraq had acquired from Germany large quantities of components used to produce several thousand high-speed centrifuges for enriching weapons-grade uranium .
28 Jordanian and Iraqi embassy officials told Customs investigators that Iraq had paid for the guns as a ‘ gift for Jordan ’ .
29 Gen. Kassem asserted that Kuwait had been an integral component of the southern Iraqi province of Basra under Ottoman rule and that Iraq had succeeded to Turkish territorial sovereignty over Basra with the dissolution of the Ottoman empire after the First World War .
30 UN officials said on July 30 that Iraq had admitted to holding four times as many chemical weapons as those disclosed in April [ see p. 38164 ] .
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