Example sentences of "that makes [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 What is it about vacuum flasks that makes every drink taste like there 's a chunk of dead mouse at the bottom ?
2 Must not all such thinking souls be growing hideously weary with this long contention that makes no progress , that wastes men and harvests and the very wellbeing of the land ?
3 What is surprising is that their refusal to read black texts — a refusal that makes no disturbance in their intellectual life — repeats itself when they reread the traditional , established works of literature worthy of their attention .
4 He says he 's got loss of memory , without a stroke , I have that as well , so that makes no difference .
5 As a sharp contrast , the Beethoven Septet is pure entertainment , music that makes no attempt to grapple with more complex emotional issues .
6 The forest is a peculiar organism of unlimited kindness and benevolence that makes no demand for its sustenance and extends generously the products of its life activity : it affords protection to all beings , offering shade even to the axeman who destroys it .
7 The circulating system wanders a little closer , deepens , is classified under a new title — a moderate tropical storm — and is given a name , Agnes perhaps , or Bob , an innocent , unassuming , rather cosy , old-fashioned sort of name that makes no connection in anybody 's mind with a swirling mass of warm air and piled clouds that is bearing down on the coast , thunder and lightning flickering from its belly , the waves beneath it being whipped up into a fury .
8 To report from the front , there is now a gadget that can be fitted to your refrigerator that makes a noise like a pig every time the door is opened .
9 This is the glue that makes a PC a PC , no matter what processor chip is inside it .
10 It is just electricity that makes a nonsense of natural design .
11 In such cases each novice predator that makes a mistake becomes a corpse and learns nothing .
12 The only exception is the sort of heat fault that makes a machine malfunction after it has been switched on for a given time or when the room warms up .
13 In other words it is the willingness of people to follow that makes a person a leader ’ ( Koontz , O'Donnell , Weihrich ) .
14 Much of the information that makes a text coherent is not included in the text at all but resides in the world knowledge shared by the author and most of the readers .
15 Right that makes a total of seventeen eighty six , sixty one over the year .
16 It is the ability to make such a change that makes a presentation program like HGW such a useful tool .
17 This is the vital property that makes a tensor presentation of GR so appropriate .
18 TOM : But is n't there some physical quality that makes a tree a tree ?
19 I realise there is little chance of the sponsorship suggestion coming about , but there should be some way of assuring that playing for your country does not cost you money in an amateur game that makes a fortune . ’
20 And it is doubtless the strategic codification of these points of resistance that makes a revolution possible , somewhat similar to the way in which the state relies on the institutional integration of power relationships .
21 If the child in the cradle on whom Carabosse lays her curse after the other fairy godmothers have given her everything that makes a girl lovable could have understood the ordinary life she was forfeiting , she would have renounced their fairy boons ; given the choice , Caterina would have rejected her charms too , in order to be closer to her sister , to be more like Rosa .
22 Below : Merry Widows from Guatemala and Honduras are a live-bearer that makes a change from the standard Guppy , Molly or Swordtail .
23 Oh you were thinking oh good that makes a change for our callers
24 Yeah , I I 've well that makes a change you know I mean some of my stuff 's come back from them and I 've wondered whether they 've read it .
25 Well that makes a kind of convenient break actually , because what I wanted to start on er then was things which really perhaps ought to be postponed till , till next .
26 ‘ It being the same consciousness that makes a man be himself to himself , personal identity depends on that only , whether it be annexed only to one individual substance , or can be continued in a succession of several substances . ’
27 ‘ Yes … but it 's the balance of those things that makes a man what he is , would n't you say , Tsu Ma ? ’
28 Perhaps the only thing that makes a day of interviews bearable is the narcissistic pleasure of talking about yourself .
29 The main part , however , is concerned with detailing a political programme that makes a pitch both for self-interest as well as a concern for others .
30 The language and the inner mind are part of a whole that makes a creature what it is .
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